When he crashes his racing car after arguing with you | Jay

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You lean against the railing, your gaze fixed on the sleek machines speeding past, but your attention keeps on drifting back to Jay's. The Mercedes he rides is the fastest and only now do you realize that your brother has always been right. Jay is a beast on the track.

The two of them had been best friends since primary school and you occasionally got to meet Jay, fall in love with him too.

He's always been there throughout your whole childhood, being the perfect, most beautiful man you've laid your eyes on. He makes you feel all sorts of emotions—happiness, excitement, longing—but above all, he makes you feel alive.

But for some reason, the two of you can't stand each other whenever you meet. Like sworn enemies, you argue over the smallest things, your disagreements turning into heated arguments that leave both of you frustrated and confused.

You love him, but it frustrates you, the way your heart races whenever he's around when he probably only sees you as his best friend's little sister. Or the way he takes a single look at you and looks away, almost as if he can't bear to meet your gaze for too long.

Now, you stare at him as his car stops at the pit stop, his helmet glistening under the bright lights of the racetrack. When he takes it off, his blonde hair falls on his forehead, making him look so much hotter than he already is.

Many girls are waiting for him next to the pit stop, with their hopeful smiles and fluttering eyelashes. He looks up, his eyes locking with yours for a few solid seconds before he looks back at the girls with his most beautiful smile.

"For my beautiful ladies," You hear him say and you roll your eyes. It's not like you need him to call you beautiful or anything, but he's never done that throughout the whole time you've known him. It's a small detail, but one that stings nonetheless.

You watch as he signs autographs and poses with them, the scene feeling like a knife twisting in your chest. You're not jealous, you cannot be. But why do you feel like you're being pushed further into the background with each passing moment? You try to convince yourself that it doesn't matter, that you shouldn't care whether Jay sees you as more than just his best friend's little sister. But deep down, you know that's a lie.

When he's done being the perfect man to those girls, you watch as he makes his way up and right to you. Your heart is doing somersaults in your chest as he approaches and you swallow hard.

"What are you doing here?" He stops in front of you, his presence all familiar and annoying. "I thought I said I didn't want you anywhere near the track today."

You roll your eyes at his predictable annoyance. "I can take care of myself, Jay. And I certainly can be anywhere I want."

The way his jaw clenches and then unclenches is a telltale sign of his frustration. He sighs heavily, running a hand through his tousled blonde hair. "What are you doing here dressed in that ridiculous racing suit anyway?"

Shit, you thought he'd find it cute or like the way it looks on you. But, of course, he has to make you feel self-conscious about it. "I'm here to race." The words come out from between gritted teeth as you tighten your fists at your sides, but all he does is let out a humorless laugh.

"Oh, fuck me, Y/N, you're not racing." The way he rests his hands on his hips and raises his eyebrow at you is so hot you could surrender to the tension and kiss him, but it's more likely you'll end up slapping that infuriating smirk off his face.

You lift your chin defiantly. "Watch me-"

"I said you're not racing. Stop fucking playing around with this, Y/N." He grabs your arm and pulls you to a quiet corner. "I'm gonna call your brother to pick you up from here. I don't know what's gotten into him to even let you near the track. This isn't a place for someone like you."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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