Day 3

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"Samantha wake up! Its already half past nine and your pancakes are getting cold." Samantha opened her eyes slightly soaking in the warm morning sun that radiated throughout her room. The smell of her mothers famous pancakes made her mouth water. She couldn't help but smile as the warm sunshine kissed her skin. She loved the summer heat and the bright sun which felt like freedom compared to the cold depressing gloominess of winter.

Winter always made her feel trapped. Everything was restricted from her clothing to the places she could go to, sometimes she wouldn't even be able to leave the house like a prisoner to the ghastly weather.

"Samantha wake up already!" She heard her mothers familiar warm voice bellow at her from downstairs. Although she hated her mothers roaring voice that nagged at her on most mornings, today her loud voice seemed extremely comforting like it had been missing for some time.

Samantha yawned loudly as she got out of her plush twin sized bed. She called to her mother saying she was coming down as she made her way to the bathroom. After brushing her teeth and washing her face, she jogged towards her room door in a hurry to devour the delicious pancakes that were awaiting her.

She glanced at her room door in confusion. Wasn't it open before she went to the bathroom? She placed her hand on the smooth knob and turned it only to realize it was locked. "That's weird," she thought. She tried again and again with each attempt becoming more desperate than the next.

"Mom!" She called as her heart started beating faster. There was no reply. She screamed much louder this time and yet there was no reply. "What was happening? Where did her mother go?" Her whole body was shaking in panic as she fought to steady herself and then she heard a familiar voice say her name.

"Samantha, come to me. I'll keep you safe."

She turned around to see a tall dark haired man with his arms outstretched towards her. He wore a sinister grin on his face that seemed to contradict his words completely. His grey eyes danced in amusement at her frightened state. She backed up against the door until she had no where else to go.

Her mouth opened in shock as his hands seemed to elongate reaching towards her. It was the most frightening thing she had ever seen. She let out a blood curdling scream as his hands gripped her shoulders firmly and hugged herself tightly wishing she would just shrink or disappear.

"I'll never let you go Samantha, you are mine and I am yours," his words echoed throughout the room that was now filled with darkness instead of the warm sunlight that previously occupied the room.

Samantha woke up panting, totally drenched in sweat and realised she was having a nightmare. For a few seconds she felt relieved that it was just a nightmare but as she glanced around the all too familiar room she felt a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. It wasn't just a nightmare, it was her reality and the man in her dream was extremely real.

She ran towards the door in self denial as she turned the door knob vigorously secretly hoping that it would open but of course it didn't. She groaned in exasperation and punched the door in response. She hated it for being locked, she hated the table, the so called bathroom, the mattress, and everything else in the room but most of all she hated the tall, dark haired delinquent who had put her here in the first place.

Who was he? And what did he want with her? It couldn't be just a date that he wanted, she didn't believe that for a second. It just didn't seem logical that someone would do all this just to get a decent date out of her. The amount of trouble he would get into when he got caught. She assured herself that he would get caught eventually and she would be found safe and in one piece.

She barely had any energy left as she walked towards the table to drink some water. She couldn't remember the last time she'd had anything decent to eat and her stomach growled loudly signifying how hungry she was. In an attempt to distract herself from her hunger she decided to freshen up a bit.

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