71 Days Ago (Contd)

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It was only 6am and I was already awake looking at my computer screen. It led me straight to Samantha's room and I could see she was awake as well. She was sitting at her study table reading one of her many textbooks. As she picked up her coffee mug and took a sip, so did I.

Our moves were synchronised that way. When she inhaled, I would inhale. When she smiled, I would smile too. She affected me in ways I just couldn't explain. If she woke up in a bad mood, my day would be ruined but when she smiled my entire being filled with happiness and I would walk around the office with a grin plastered across my face.

Everyone noticed how happy I was. My colleagues always asked me what I was doing that made my skin glow on most days and I was so tempted to tell them the reason; I was so hopelessly and madly in love. But of course I didn't.

I even stopped drinking because the truth was I didn't need too. I had found a new addiction, one that I couldn't get enough of.

She tugged at her ponytail as she continued to read. She was one of the most hard working girls I had ever seen. She would wake up at 5 am almost every morning and study while her room mate slept. She reminded me of myself in a way. I was a great student during my university days not because I was naturally smart but because I studied like a mad man. We were both sluggers, Samantha and I.

Yes, I was a natural born hacker but that wasn't what Information Technology was all about. The degree taught me so much more and it had also enhanced my expertise at hacking. I had learnt how to create viruses that could hack into peoples computers, their phones, etc. Hell, I could probably hack into people's on line bank accounts if I wanted to.

I knew every website page Samantha visited and that was the best way to know someone at this day and age. I guess you could say I knew her better than she knew herself.

I knew she liked Maroon 5, Calvin Harris and Taylor Swift. I knew she had almost a thousand followers on her public Instagram page, she always had new friend requests on Facebook which she never checked and the one page she visited every night before she closed her eyes would be Ben's Facebook page.

It was ironic how I watched her stalking someone else on social media whilst I was doing the same over here. I laughed the first time I realised how similar we were. If only she'd met me earlier, she wouldn't have to waste time pining over some one who clearly didn't love her the way I did.

When she got up to shower, I did the same. I collected my towel and underwear and headed for the bath room. She left as soon as she got ready and I still had some time to kill so I made some breakfast and looked through her Instagram pictures while I ate.

There was a new picture of her and Candice. They were eating ice cream and Samantha had this goofy grin on her face as she licked her ice cream cone. I could feel my heart beating faster as I stared at her. Despite her funny expression, she looked as beautiful as ever. Her icy blue eyes were wide open and they looked straight into mine turning my body to jelly.

One day, that would be me and her. We would be smiling from ear to ear with our cheeks side by side as we took countless pictures of ourselves doing the various activities that couples in love do. I honestly couldn't wait but that was all I could do at the moment.

I knew she had plans to go to this club nearby her university tonight. Clubs weren't exactly my scene, but I wanted to keep an eye on her just in case so I decided to go.

Later that night.

I was a bundle of nerves as I stared at her from across the room. Tonight was special. Tonight I had decided to give her a chance. A chance to prove that I didn't need to carry out my plan.

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