Day 26 (cont'd)

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If karma was a bitch then to me, it would be a dish served in the form of Olivia. I couldn't move, hell I couldn't even breathe as I realised what was happening. A secret I had managed to keep up to now, the secret who was now banging on the basement door begging for her release had been discovered. The cat was finally out of the bag.

But never in a million years would I have guessed it would be Olivia who would find out. It was almost poetic how she was originally the one who had spawned the idea in my head and now here she was the, potential demise of my brief period of bliss.

Samantha's words were echoing in my ears, stabbing my heart each time she begged for escape and deep down inside I could feel the enraging fire growing, threatening to engulf me in its flames. "How could she betray me like this?"

"She hates you, she will never love you, you are as pathetic as they can get. No one has ever loved you, not your siblings, your ex-girlfriends, Samantha, not even your own mother. How can anyone love such a spineless creature. So pathetic. Pathetic. Pathetic. Pathetic," a voice laughed darkly in my head and the word 'pathetic' grew louder and louder until it was all I could hear. I placed my hands over my ears to drown out the howling voices but they only grew louder.

"Stop it, stoppp," I begged as I gripped my head in pain but it was of no use.

Olivia just stared at me, an expression of pure horror on her face. A sad smile spread across my face, even a bitch like her couldn't find it in her heart to love me. Was I really that repulsive, that even my own mother despised me? I took care of her, didn't I? I nursed her, tried to mend her broken heart by tending to her every demand and need. And what did I get in return? Insults and criticism.

Ungrateful, they were all so bloody ungrateful!

While I was having a mental breakdown, I caught Olivia slowly pulling out her phone from her pocket, her eyes never leaving me. Did she honestly think I wouldn't notice? How stupid could she get?

And that was when it happened or I allowed it to happen. I let the fire consume me, the pent up rage that I had buried deep within for so long burst with a such frenzy I could feel my whole body shake at its wrath. I could feel the blood pumping through my veins, my heart beating so furiously against my rib cage, the adrenaline surge was so powerful that within seconds I had grabbed the phone out of her hands and threw it on the floor.

I swiftly climbed on top of Olivia pining her hands above her with one hand and covering her mouth with the other. At that moment she looked so utterly frightened, her eyes looked like they were about to pop out of their sockets it made me want to laugh, but I didn't.

Because in all seriousness I knew what I had to do to save myself and Samantha. And it wasn't going to be pretty. Samantha was still shouting but it had become less intense I could tell she was getting tired. My blood boiled thinking about her betrayal, I would have to deal with her later.

Below me Olivia struggled vigorously, but her movements were sluggish due to the fact that she was still slightly drunk. I chose to use that to my advantage as I locked my legs together around her fleshy thighs, preventing any further movement.

"Do you remember when we used to role play?" I whispered darkly into her ears. Being on top of her like this brought back many memories of when they were together. I couldn't lie the sex I had with Olivia was probably the best I ever had but that was about it. Everything else about her was shit.

She stopped moving and stared at me horrified. "Why do you look so scared, I thought you came here to have sex with me?" I laughed humorlessly.

I could hear her pleading under my hand, begging for me to let her go, to leave her out of this. She looked so helpless, so frightened it gave me an overwhelming sense of power. The feeling was so exhilarating, to know I had that kind of effect on someone. No one has ever feared me like this. For once I wasn't weak and pathetic. I felt my fingers tingling with excitement, blood rushed to my ears and at that moment I felt a high I've never felt before. It was exquisite, almost other worldly.

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