84 days ago

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Samantha bit her nails as she absent mindedly stared into space. It was Community Medicine class today and the dryness of the subject had sucked all the energy out the lecture hall that morning. Dr. Hummels seemed oblivious to the countless number of heads that were either bowed down or leaning back against their chairs with their mouths wide open. He continued ranting about how important biostatistics was and the various methods of presenting data through statistics.

Samantha had lost him at the beginning of the class. She was already deciding on what dress to wear to a party tonight. One of the Arts students were planning a huge dorm party later and apparently everyone was going, which only meant one thing : Hot guys. It was a known fact that the Arts courses were taken by the hottest guys. There was no reason for it, it was just how it was.

She glanced to her left to see her friends sleeping with their eyes open; a skill that she had never been able to develop. Thank god she had taken a double espresso that morning or she would have dozed off as well.

On her right, Ben was in full concentration mode as he wrote furiously onto a sheet of paper. What on earth?

Ben, short for Benedict was one of the brightest students in their year but he was definitely not the most studious. In fact he was down right lazy and hardly ever paid attention in classes. He would always copy off Samantha's assignments and he almost never knew what was going on in classes, which pissed her off immensely.

It was so unfair that he hardly ever put in any effort to ace his exams each year, while she barely passed despite all the sleepless nights she'd put in prior to exams.

She stared at his boyishly good looking face and noticed a slight blush creeping up his neck line to his cheeks. What in the world was he writing?

Too lazy to harass him about it, she continued dreaming about her dress choice and make up for later when a crumpled piece of paper landed in her lap. She heard a snicker on her right and realised it was Ben's doing. He was looking at her expectantly, gesturing for her to read it.

She smiled to herself. Trust Ben to come up with something so ridiculous. Passing letters in class was so high school, he could have just messaged her and Dr Hummels would never have noticed. But where was the fun in that? She was sure those thoughts were running in his mind that very moment.

She could read him like a book. They had been best friends since the beginning of med school and inseparable since the day they met.

There was something about his calm demeanour and great sense of humour that made Samantha extremely comfortable with him. She was always the stressed out one especially during exams and he was her antidote because he kept her level headed and calm during her times of need.

She gave him a curious look before she opened the letter eagerly.


I thought you should be the first to know. I have the greatest news ever! I've finally met someone and she's just so incredible. We met while ago and I could just tell, you know? She's coming later tonight. I can't wait for you to meet her. I'm sure you'll love her. Will give you more details later, I just couldn't wait to tell you!

 Love, Ben.

A smile crept across her face as she re-read the letter. Ben- her Ben- had finally found someone he really liked. She remembered when he professed his love to her a year ago. It was hard but she had somehow managed to turn him down without losing him as a friend. It's not that she didn't like him, she wasn't in love with him either.

But if that was the case, why did she suddenly feel uneasy in the pit of her stomach. She glanced back at him and gave him a thumbs up in response before she quickly looked back at Mr. Hummels, who was drawing a chart on the board.

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