Day 27

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*trigger warning* sensitive content in the last pov

I scrubbed and scrubbed the floor until my hands were sore. It was already dawn and I had been scrubbing the floor for almost two hours. The stains had disappeared but my guilt still remained. It was slowly chewing me up from the inside like termites, decapitating me and making me weak.

No matter how much I tried I couldn't stop the fresh tears from pouring down my face.

I killed someone whom I had once loved and raped someone whom I claimed to love. If someone had told me I would commit either of these offences a few months ago I would've laughed in their faces.

The shattered table and pillow that Olivia had laid on had been dumped into a desolate lake located a couple of hours drive away. I had gotten rid of her body, car and everything else first thing last night. Now here I was cleaning everything over and over again. I got up and looked around to check. I then proceeded to wipe the door and other surfaces to get rid of Olivia's finger prints, mopped the floors a couple of times and vacuumed for any blond strands of hair.

All the while I tried my best not to think of what Samantha was doing. I would have to deal with her eventually but no matter how guilty I felt I still was a a bit angry with her. If she had only just waited for me downstairs none of this would have happened.

Right now all I could do was pray that no one would trace Olivia's disappearance back to me. I had handled everything with gloved hands last night so hopefully even if the police found her remains, I might not get caught. Somehow I was too paranoid to believe that.

I decided to throw the couch with the missing pillow away as well. I stuffed the other pillows into a large plastic bag and headed outside towards the dumpster.

"Good morning Jerry!" the shrill voice of Mrs. Chastain made me jump. What was she doing up so early?

"Good morning," I replied turning towards her reluctantly.

"Doing some spring cleaning?"she inquired nosily as she pulled out a weed from one of the pots in her garden.

"Erm yes, its that obvious, isn't it?," I laughed nervously knowing how quick my neighbor was at catching the slightest details of everything.

"You don't look like you slept well. Must be because you had company last night, eh?" She placed her hands on her hips and smirked at me.

"I remember that blond girl who used to come over here often. I see you two have rekindled your romance. I'm so delighted for you Jerry!"she said as she clasped her hands together excitedly.

My blood ran cold and I froze in place at hearing this.

"You must've seen someone else. I didn't have anyone over yesterday," I replied focusing on the plant in her hands to calm myself.

"Oh, you don't have to be shy around me sweetheart. I was young once too, you know?" she teased but I didn't find it funny in the least. "I recognized her car the moment I saw it. Beautiful girl Jerry, a bit on the heavy side but beautiful nonetheless."

I bunched my hands at my sides to control my anger. "Has anyone ever told you to mind your own business?" I snapped earning a look of shock look from her.

Realizing that was probably not the wisest thing to do I took a deep breath and regained my composure.

"I mean yes she did come over but I'm sort of seeing someone else so I made her go back soon after. You didn't see that?"

Still open mouthed, she finally managed to reply. "I don't think so, must've been asleep by then." She quickly turned away and continued weeding.

"Well then, Good Day," I replied as chirpily as I could before I went back inside. She gave me a small wave over her shoulder but didn't say anything.

The Perfect Date *Completed*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang