20 Days Ago

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"Ever thought about what you would be doing if you hadn't joined med school?" Samantha asked in a drowsy voice as she stared up at the infinite splatter of blue colour that peaked at them through the branches of the huge oak tree they lay under.

Ben too had been staring absent mindedly at the peaceful view above them, lost in a train of empty thoughts. He briefly glanced at her noticing her gaze was somewhat withdrawn. He knew she had been having a rough time with postings but she never brought it up so he had decided not to either.

"Come to think of it, I've never really thought about it. Maybe a male supermodel. Heard they earn shit loads of money nowadays and don't you think I have what it takes?" Ben replied batting his eyelashes at her. "What do you think, Abercrombie worth?

She just rolled her eyes at him, a ghost of a smile tugging at her lips. "If you say so."

"Well since you asked, what about you?" Ben asked nudging her. He watched as her eyebrows bunched together in concentration, the way her eyes closed as she thought of an answer. Specks of sunlight fell across her face and hair making her look golden, the image was so breathtaking he just had to look away.

"You know what? I've been thinking about it a lot recently and I just can't think of an answer. I don't know what else I would ever want to be. For as long as I remember I've wanted to be a doctor, be like my uncle."

"Your uncle is an alien Sam. His IQ is higher than that of our whole faculty combined."

She chuckled but it came out half hearted. "It's unfair, isn't it?"

"The world is unfair, everyone knows that."

"Okay tell me honestly. Do you think I'll make it? I don't know what I'd do if I didn't," she whispered.

"You've made it this far, haven't you? You just need to keep pushing Sam. Enough with this mid-med-school crisis you've been having. Where's the feisty, determined nerd I met the first week here, huh?" Ben shook her playfully making her laugh in response. "Is she in there some where coz she needs to come back and kick this strangers ass."

He raised his leg aiming it towards her behind. " If she's not gonna do it then I will. Although it would be a shame to kick such a nice ass." He joked making her blush and punch him in return. His heart skipped a beat as he watched her cheeks turn a bright shade of pink, secretly feeling triumphant that he had caused that reaction.

Suddenly an image appeared in his peripheral vision. Ben realised someone was approaching and he turned his head only to see a livid Jessica marching towards them. He shot up in shock wincing as his neck cramped at the abrupt movement.

"You're such a fucking piece of work you know that, " she cried throwing an envelope at him. "Making me think that it was my fault we broke up when really it was yours the whole time. You and you're slut of a friend."

Samantha had sat up as well but she remained silent despite the insults thrown at her. She watched Ben as he quickly opened the letter and pulled out the pictures inside. His heart sank to his stomach when he realised what they had captured. Despite the dingy light, the two silhouettes kissing were as clear as day and there was no mistaking who they were.

Ben looked up at the seething Jessica. Her hair was matted and some had stuck to her cheeks where tears flowed freely from her red rimmed eyes. She looked like she had cried the whole night. He felt so guilty looking at her but the guilt was soon replaced by curiosity. How did she get this? Who would take pictures of them?

"What? How?" he stuttered completely bewildered.

"You tell me how. How you could make me believe that it was my fault because I made you choose? Obviously I had a valid reason too," she said pointing a shaking finger towards Samantha.

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