Day 20

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I stared at her from across the table as I ate and realised that she had barely touched her food, which was highly unlike her. Even after our little tift that day in my room, she was surprisingly well behaved these past few days. Not what I'd expected at all.

"What's wrong, you don't like it?" I asked gesturing to her plate.

"No, its just I'm not feeling too good," she replied curtly.

When she looked up at me I noticed how pale her skin looked and there were beads of sweat that glistened across her forehead. I started panicking as I wondered what was happening to her. I had done everything right, hadn't I?

"Are you having a fever?" I asked as I jumped out of my seat and made my way to her.

She seemed taken aback as I placed my hand over her forehead and she immediately jerked her head away from me but I didn't really care. All that matters was she didn't have a fever although I couldn't help but wonder why she looked so feeble and weak.

"Listen," she said as she placed her hands onto the table and stared at me earnestly. "How long do you expect me to stay here? I've dated you for nineteen days already and nothing's changed. I don't like you any more than I did the first day we met."

"It's only been nineteen days," I reply as-a-matter-of-factly.

"Don't you get it? It's not going to change. I'm never going to fall in love with you. You're plan failed!" she cried as she pulled her hair in frustration. "Please just let me go. I won't tell anyone, I understand why you did this and I don't blame you for it. Just get me out of here!!"

I raised my eyebrows. "What makes you so sure?"

"Look if I liked you even one bit, I'm sure I would've realised it by now."

"You're so hell bent on getting out of here, you don't even realise the things I've done for you." I couldn't help but feel anger build up in my chest.

"Are you telling me I should be grateful for this room and this food you bring me everyday?" she spat. She pushed the food towards me in disgust. "If it weren't for you I wouldn't be here in the first place."

Ungrateful. Ungrateful. Ungrateful. Those words played repeatedly in my head and I clenched my teeth and balled my hands into fists in an attempt to vent my anger. Just like all the other women I've dated, my siblings, my mother. After everything I did for them, they still treated me like I was some sort of outcast, a misfit. Well this time, I'm not going to let it get to me. Samantha was here under my control and there was nothing she could say or do about it.

"You may not realise this but I saved you, Samantha," I said sternly. "I saved you from your poor decision to go to medical school where you suffered everyday trying to scrape through. I saved you from the constant stress you had to endure just to pass your exams. I mean come on Samantha, why try so hard when you know its just not meant for you. For the amount of time you put in studying, I find it hard to believe that you're bottom ten in your class."

She looked genuinely hurt when I said this and I knew I had struck a nerve. Tears pooled at the corners of her eyes and she quickly rubbed them away with the sleeve of her T-shirt.

"That's not fair. Being in the bottom ten doesn't make me a poor student. Do you know how hard it is to get into that med school? Just being in that class is an achievement in itself, " her gazed faltered as she tried to convince herself.

I smirked, how was I supposed to believe that when she didn't even believe it herself.

"Instead of yelling at me, you should be thanking me," I said coyly. "Lets not forget, I saved you from something else too, or should I say someone else."

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