71 Days Ago

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It was 5 o'clock in the evening and the sun was already beginning to set, casting shadows under the trees and the faculty buildings around the vast campus grounds. Samantha was sitting on the grass even though there were plenty of benches nearby.

It was her routine to meet up with Ben and hang out here every Friday after class or hospital postings. The view of the walkway lined with elms from the Pattee Library was definitely a sight for sore eyes. The elm's branches extended towards each other making the walkway look like a leafy tunnel instead.

Although it was quite far from the medical campus, this place had become their spot for the past 3 years. They would either come here together or they would meet up and it had become so routine for Samantha, it felt almost compulsory for her. It was as if her week wouldn't be complete without their weekly rendezvous.

She checked her phone again before she took another sip of coffee. The cup was almost empty and still no sight of Ben. So far he had only cancelled on her once; two weeks ago. That was when Jessica had come in to the picture and Samantha guessed that he was late today for the same reason.

When she saw that there was no message or call from him, she sighed and stared at the scenic view before her. On most days this view was what helped her calm down but today it had no effect on her agitated state. She didn't want to accept it, but in this short span of two weeks, she had come to hate Jessica tremendously.

Yes, the girl was as sweet as honey but she had changed Ben for the worst. He had hardly hung out with Samantha since the party, he constantly cancelled on all their plans to meet up and the one time they actually did meet, he brought Little Miss Perfect with him.

She missed the old Ben, the one who used to sit here with her and make her cry with laughter as they made fun of the teachers and students walking past them. The one who would tell her everything would be okay even though she had failed her mock tests.

Today was one of the worst days she'd had so far. She'd misdiagnosed a chest X-ray and the medical resident in charge had fired her in front of everyone there. It was the most humiliating experience ever. Right now she needed Ben more than ever but as some cruel twist of fate, he wasn't here. She glanced at her phone again, almost an hour had passed and he didn't even have the decency to call and cancel.

Her phone beeped suddenly and she looked at the screen trying not to let her nerves get the best of her. Sure enough it was a message from Ben.

Hey Sam, I'm so sorry to have to cancel again today. Something came up. I know you're thinking I'm the shittiest friend in the world right now and I probably am. I'll make it up to you tonight, okay? Just the two of us. See you gorgeous!

Despite her best efforts, Samantha smiled at bright screen before her. At least he knew what a bad friend he's been. Their group of friends had made plans to go to Indigo, a night club nearby the university tonight. Maybe a night out was what she needed to forget that mornings disaster. She typed back furiously.

What about Jessica? Isn't she coming?

She just had to know if she was coming. When Ben said "just the two of us", did he really mean it? He replied within seconds.

Nahh. She's kind of under the weather today.

That was the best news Samantha had heard all day. Finally, she'd have some alone time with him.

Hope she gets better soon. See you later.

It was obviously a lie but he didn't know that, did he? She got up and dusted the dry leaves off her pants. Time to get back and shower.

"So what do you think of her?" Candice asked Samantha as she drove towards Indigo.

They were talking about Ben being in a relationship and Candice suddenly sprung that question on her.

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