64 Days Ago

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There was pin drop silence in the library today. Literally if a pin had dropped Samantha would probably have heard it. That was how empty the library was today. Aside from the librarian and a handful of students bundled up in a corner, the large room with dozens of towering shelves of books was hauntingly desolate today.

As eerie as it seemed, this was how Samantha liked it and it was only ever this quiet on the weekends. So here she was on a Saturday night studying ocular disorders but her head could not get past the difference between open-angle and close-angle glaucoma. She wasn't usually this slow and in an environment this favourable it frustrated her that she could not concentrate.

But her mind had been elsewhere all week. Involuntarily, her mind drifted again to the previous weekend and she instinctively raised her hand to her lips. It was just seven days ago that she had done the stupidest thing ever. Telling Ben she loved him was one of the biggest mistakes she made and then the kiss was an even bigger mistake.

The butterflies in her stomach however reminded her how much she had enjoyed it. The feel of his soft lips as he urgently kissed her. His strong hands wrapped firmly around her body, drawing her to him. At that moment they were one, like faith had sealed them together.

And then in some cruel twist of fate the moment was ruined by his words. "This is wrong. It's a mistake." He said it in a whisper, more to himself than to her but it rang loud and clear in her ears like church bells on a Sunday morning.

She felt sick right down to the pit of her stomach, cheap even. She loved Ben but clearly now she knew how he really felt. She was a mistake. The kiss had been divine to her but dirty to him.

Before she could control herself, her vision was blurry with tears as she left his embrace and ran away from him. How could she have been so stupid? So vulnerable?

The ride back had been utter torture. Candice knew what she had done but she kept quiet as she drove. Occasionally she had snuck uneasy glances at Samantha but she never uttered a word. When they reached home Samantha was still in a fit of tears so they never did talk. At one point Candice did ask if she wanted to talk about it but Samantha just shook her head as she choked back a sob. She glanced at her phone screen before she fell asleep but as expected there was no message or call from Ben.

And that was how it had been the whole week. No texts or calls. Samantha had texted a few days after and the day after that, but there was no reply. He had come to classes extremely late and left as soon as the lecture was over without so much as a word to her. He didn't even look at her. How could he avoid her like this?

The least he could do was apologize but there was not even a simple "Hi are you, okay? Did you get home safe?"

The old Ben would've done that not the new cowardly and guilty person he had come to be. Samantha unknowingly crushed her notes in an attempt to vent her anger. No guy has ever treated her like this. How could he just leave her hanging like this?

She felt her chest tighten as she thought about his beautiful face. His golden brown hair, his beautiful green eyes that gave off pure innocence, the constant blush on his pale cheeks, his soft pink lips. Was this what a broken heart felt like?

Deciding that there was no point wasting her time staring at her books, she packed her stuff and left. She was on the second floor and instead of taking the lift down she took the stairs. Maybe some exercise would put her mind at ease.

As she was passing the door to the first floor she heard a familiar laugh. There was no mistaking that warm low pitched baritone that had mischief written all over it.

Her breath hitched and she froze in place wondering if he would come out of the door at any moment but he didn't.

"Jessica what are you doing?"

"Just zip it and follow me okay," a female voice whispered which had to be Jessica.

And then there was silence so Samantha guessed they had gone inside, most probably to one of the book shelves where they could have all the privacy they needed. Would he really? After last weekend?

Out of sheer curiosity Samantha did the most degrading thing she could possibly think of doing. She followed them.

She peeked into the vast room and immediately saw them sauntering towards the densely packed book shelves at the back of the room. Unlike the second floor, this room was almost devoid of people. "Don't people need to study," she thought irritatedly.

She couldn't shake the sense of foreboding of what was going to happen. What she didn't want to happen.

As they disappeared behind a book shelf Samantha tip toed silently towards their voices. She felt like such a stalker but her body was beyond her control. She needed to see, to know what he would do. Whether he told her, or whether he was going to tell her or ----. Samantha couldn't stomach the thought of him kissing her after what happened but would he? She just had to know.

A flirty giggle made Samantha duck under a table before she could approach the book shelves. She felt so ridiculous she wanted to laugh and hoped to God that no one would see her. She spotted two figures behind the last book shelf and after checking if the coast was clear she darted towards the bookshelf two rows behind them.

All she had to do was peer through the gaps between the shelves of books and she could see them leaning over each other like spineless creatures. He was caressing her cheek affectionately and she was looking up at him in utter admiration. The whole scene was just too cheesy.

He whispered something and then her worst nightmares came true as he leaned towards Jessica and kissed her passionately. She could hear their muffled sounds and it made her want to throw up in her mouth. The feeling of betrayal was too much but then she realised that she was the one who'd betrayed Jessica.

But Ben just took the cake. Ignoring her all week and now here he was kissing his girlfriend like nothing had ever happened. Ben muttered something into her ears with his eyes closed, his face looked serene, in pure ecstasy. It looked like he was in another world.

Samantha looked away unable to watch but then she heard a thunderous slap echo through the air. She looked back only to see Ben holding his cheek in shock and Jessica walking away angrily. She was seething as she shouted "I knew it. I just knew it!"

What do you think happened? If you like what you've read you know what to do ;) As you can expect somebody else was watching Samantha too :)

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