Day 11

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The dull humming of the small vent in the upper right corner of the room seemed to ricochet across the four walls providing Samantha the noise she needed to keep sane. It was either that or the mini radio her captor had bought her but somehow she preferred the repetitive sound the small fan produced as it rapidly turned in its small space.

The vent was the only thing that provided some sort of connection outside the confinements of the room she was kept in. Although it was impossibly small, the hole provided her the fresh air -or at least the illusion of it- that she needed to keep her going. 

In the beginning, Samantha had tried screaming for help through the vent in hopes of someone hearing her but after many unsuccessful attempts and a mild sore throat her attempts had become less frequent. 

Once, she managed to look through the vent by standing on a chair but all she saw beyond the rotating turbine was plain concrete. That was when Samantha had given up all hope. The man who put her here had thought of everything, he was constantly one step ahead and it was enough to deter her from thinking of ways to escape that place. 

There was nothing to use, nothing sharp, nothing breakable. Samantha was trapped and the worst part was she was slowly beginning to accept it. It was only when she looked at the vent in the wall that she felt hope, but it was faint like a diminishing candle light. 

Right now she was lying down on her bed, clicking her heels together repetitively as she impatiently waited. It was what she did these past few days as a routine. She was always waiting for him.

As much as she hated the thought of it, she had come to realize that she needed him. She needed the things he brought for her, his food and most of all his company. As crazy as it sounded because she absolutely loathed him, it was the bitter truth and Samantha hated herself for feeling this way but it wasn't exactly her fault.

Aside from his visits, she was alone all the time with nothing but a few books and a radio to keep her company and  of course her cursed thoughts. Her thoughts drove her mad sometimes. The million questions about what was going on outside, in her university, in her home town. How were her parents coping?

She quickly shut out the thoughts of her parents. They were enough to make her eyes watery and lips quiver and she was just so sick of crying. The sound of muffled footsteps outside made her jump up.

She was all jittery with excitement because he was taking her outside today. Finally, she would be able to breathe some fresh air and a change in scenery was what she desperately needed. The walk would do her some good as well, there wasn't much exercise she could do in such a small space and the lack of activity had made her lethargic and weak.

When he came in she noticed his reaction at seeing her. He looked at her in awe with his grey eyes wide open and mumbled the words "beautiful" more to himself than to her. Samantha had become used to his praises and admiring glances but today she felt uneasy, shy even.

Due to the rather special occasion she had opted for a green dress she had found in her closet. It was strapless but looked decent enough, although the way he was looking at her right now gave her second thoughts. 

"Stop looking at me like that, you're making me uncomfortable," she snapped at him. "Shall we?" She nodded towards the ladder behind him.

"Oh, yes. Please come this way. I'm sorry I made you uncomfortable. It's just you look - you look just perfect today," he said shyly with his head bowed in shame.

Samantha didn't know why but his apology irritated her immensely. She found his shy, timid demeanour some what fake, masking a much darker side of his that she only caught glimpses of through his light grey eyes. 

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