The Meeting: Part Four

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              Liangyu Pov

          ...... So like I guess me going into a comatose state is normal now huh?..... Shit.
I'm staring at the same darkness I saw when I was unconscious in the Tutorial Battle World. I'm suspended in midair just floating I guess. It's boring....


I see a light in the distance suddenly and I immediately think to myself,

'..... Yeah there is no way I'm gonna go there.'

But suddenly, I felt a kind of force which pulled my body towards the light quickly even as I tried resisting.
As I neared the light, the only thing I could of was of how screwed I was.


          A certain man was relaxing under the shade of a huge azure green tree under the moonlit night sky with none other than the Beast Deity. He opened his eyes a little and peeked at her curiously which annoyed her.
She furrowed her brows but refused to open her eyes and growled,


He stayed silent then smirked at her. This made her furious and all she wanted to do was to smack that smirk off his face. He chuckled then he waved his hand casually and said,

"You have a surprise guest!"

The Beast Deity was confused when a light humming sound was heard.


          A portal opened out of nowhere and a certain dark skinned Asian dropped out.

"Ow! Fuck!"

The dark skinned Asian was, of course, Liangyu. She rubbed her back and ass which just took the first impact of the landing. Then she struggled and got up slowly looking around. That's when she saw a ridiculously beautiful woman dressed in a grey tracksuit and white sneakers and a man who wore the same except his was black and his face, although she was staring into it, it seemed obstructed and she couldn't see his face clearly.

She sized them up when the woman sighed in exasperation as she rubbed her temples to suppress her veins from bulging.
The man smirked and said,

"Tada! Happy birthday Ariel! Whatcha think?!"

His mood was cherry which dumbfounded both women. Ariel grit her teeth and clenched her right fist as she held it up with evil intent. The man was confused by her actions.

"Hm? Ariel, what's wr-"



          A punch as delivered at stupidly high speeds which must have broken through the sound barrier! All that was heard was a huge sound of an explosion the a shockwave which sent Liangyu flying and crashing into the ground backwards as the ground and the huge tree which was even taller than most sky scrapers was instantly obliterated.
It took 30 full minutes for Liangyu to manage to sit up as she looked at the black crater spanning 50 meters at the spot they once stood and she gulped.

'... T- Too strong!'

Liangyu was sure that before such power she could only plead for a peaceful death as even escape was like a dream.


She flinched when she heard a voice by her and she slowly turned to look. She saw the man totally unharmed and squatting beside her. He was stroking hus chin as he looked at the damage.

"Ariel really is mad this time huh? She even destroyed my newest secret spot ~...... Hah~...... I guess I'll need to clean up"

The man was casually speaking and Liangyu wondered whether he was insane since he had just escaped death and was talking lightly about this?

'What the fuck?!'

The man sighed and snapped his fingers and instantly, the previous scene was recovered fully. Liangyu was pale at this point. She had just realized that the dangerous one here was this man. He turned to her and touched her forehead and she had the Ancestor of all Migraines. Plenty of information she didn't know of became clear to her as she slowly lost consciousness.


Her eyes slowly closed and she heard him say,

"Hurry up. Your wasting too much time my pawn! Enjoy life though~~!"

And  she was knocked out. The man looked at her and his smile dropped immediately. He waved over her body and she vanished. Ariel was by his side, still pissed but calmer.

"..... You are an asshole you know?"

He hummed in response. Ariel clicked her tongue.

'Having her witness such power in order for her instinct to fight back to awaken and use that to hasten her pace.... How efficient of him to keep her in check....'

She looked at him as the breeze blew and ruffled the grass ,leaves, their clothes and hair. He was staring off into the distance and he smiled lightly. It was genuine but Ariel didn't notice.


           Liangyu slowly awakened lying next to Lei in his beast form with Kaira by her side. She stretched and yawned then she stood up ad crept towards the fire and carried a fur. She sat by it and hazed at the orange flickering and crackling flame as cold sweat drenched her body. She was panting as she looked pale and worn.
That experience had shaken her and the knowledge she now gained were plenty and answered her many questions.

"..... Weak."

She muttered silently and gritted her teeth as determination blazed in her eyes.

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