The Fuck? Winston?!: Part Two

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            Liangyu and her army were fast approaching the village when they saw numerous Bear orcs, some in beast form, lined in a secure formation.

Liangyu narrowed her gaze as she sized up their opponents. Bear orcs in beast form lined the front like tankers with two rows of beastmen behind like the damage dealers.
Since this was a village they wouldn't have many warriors and even still they'd have to leave some to protect the females and cubs. She was impressed that the simpleminded beasts could come up with such a strategy.

It was at this moment that Liangyu saw the huge chocolate brown Bear orc in beast form with it's piercing yellow eyes as it walk out from the back lines and stood in front of the troops seemingly waiting for her and her army to get near.



She was annoyed. Alpha-06 was interrupting her first expansion battle take place.

'"There's an unknown variable we didn't prepare for here....'"

Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked displeased and confused.

'And what is that?'

            Alpha-06 paused then grinned as he watched the massive white tiger slowly make its way to the yellow eyed Bear orc's side.


She scowled as she thought it was just one of Alpha-06's pranks but her eyes nearly popped out of their sockets and she felt like she'd almost had a heart attack when her gaze fell upon a massive white Tiger with a frightening scar on its face which just made it seem even more menacing.
          Now to any normal person (or beastman), seeing the ALMOST TWO STORY BUILDING sized Tiger with some SERIOUS BLACK AIR FORCE ENERGY topped with that scar on his face would definitely make them want their souls to evict themselves instantly and to a stroke patient...... His mere aura could really kill. BUT! Since this story is the way it is, Liangyu could only feel one emotion at this moment......... Annoyance.

"...... Why does he pop up here and now when am trying to go to war!"

She cursed her luck. She did like Winston a lot, heck she could marry him on the spot but what shook her was the timing. She wasn't prepared for this since everyone's prince charming was a tetra marked beastman who had a sense of justice and was probably gonna fight her to protect the village.
She was starting to feel like she'd have a headache soon....

Meanwhile, Alpha-06 was lounging on a good branch of one of the tallest trees around watching the scene as if watching a movie. He was really enjoying himself but he never let his eyes leave her figure. He had been like this since Lei sent him a copy of the message from the Master. In that message, they had been told something peculiar which both he and Lei couldn't believe but had to..... Liangyu was pregnant... And most likely for Alpha-06. He was paranoid since and they checked using the System to see whether it was true.
        The result?.... It was true......
So now a very paranoid Alpha-06 was staring at his mate with worry in his gaze. He turned his head in Winston's direction and he eyed the Tiger and huffed.

"'I'll allow......."'

He slowly said.


While all this was happening, a screen popped up in front of Liangyu's face.

[Ding, Dong!]
[The Corruption has entered an overly excited state and will take control of the Host's body in 1 minute......]

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