Pregnant: Part Three

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             Liangyu sat down on some furs with a deep frown on her face. It had been about 3 weeks since she came here and she had started to put on a little weight, she had been sleeping more, eating more and exercising less. Her laziness level had reached it's peak and she was concerned.
However, the main reason for her unrest was due to uow overprotective Rin had become. She didn't even want her to walk a meyer from her temporary home in the treetops as she often worried about her. This care was excessive as while it was nice to have someone care for her needs, this was directly stripping away any form of freedom she had and it was suffocating.

Her next comcern was on why a grek god of a man was serving her. While she didn't mind the eye candy, iy put strain on her mental capacity whenever he was around. She sat on the comfy furs, planning on how she was gonna confront her daughter when she felt a pulse coming from one of her mate's mark. She pulled down the tube top she was wearing yo see a faint glow on where Alpha-06's mark should be.

"..... Huh?"

She looked confused and she checked her back but saw nothing either.

"........ What the actual fuck?"

She thought long and hard when she heard the most menacing and beastial roar of her life which sent terror down the spines of everything thay heard it as the ground trembled.
Liangyu jumped up and rushed outside only to have the greek god of a beastman clash inyo her as they fell on the wooden floor of the house. Sje groan then her eyes cracked open and she gasped, not just at the eye candy who was too close for her heart but at the three males who stood less than 5 meters away with the one in the middle having a devilish smirk on his face while the other two flanked his sides.

"..... Am back.... Miss me?"

He grinned. Liangyu smacked the Peacock male(Poor Alvaಥ_ಥ) away, dashed then leaped into the surprised arms of Alpha-06.

"... Yeah.... Welcome back Feng...."

Alpha-06's eyes shot wide open.... She had named him! She had finally given him a name!
He tightened his grip around her.

"... Sorry for keeping you waiting lov...."

After like a minute, Liangyu realized whose arms she was in and what she had done... Instantly, she bounced back and turned away, her ears turned red as she spun around and tried to calm herself down. She had hugged him on impulse. She didn't know why she did what she did but she did it! Alpha-06 felt the same way but they both thought that it wasn't that bad...

'.... Ugh! I'll never live this down!'

She hurried inside while Alpha-06 followed after with the two males exchanging looks before following suit.


             Rin was flying as fast as she could to Noxis Caves with more than a dozen females on her back. These were the females who were trapped in the palace and spent every day in pain by being violently penetrated by rootless beastmen. Alpha-06.... Feng had rescued them and planned to send some to the Noxis Caves, Camel Hump Valley and Blackwood Tribe in order to boost the population. She had strapped the captives on tightly and was currently flying as fast as she could to get to her destinations.
She knew her father was with Liangyu right now so she didn't worry as she flew so gast that she left a white line in her tracks.
She was nearing the City of Beasts when she saw something which caught her eye. Hundred of meters away, in the courtyard of a huge palace like building was Lin seeping a drink while chatting leisurely with a female of extreme beauty.

'.... Papa Lin? I thought would hold him up in a dungeon where they'd torture him brutally buy he's doing good really!'

She got excited. So excited that she dove straight for the point in order to snatch him away and, perhaps, divert the bloodlust of her mother.


She crash landed but made sure her cargo was safe. She landed a few dozen meters from Lin and the beautiful female then walked over in beast form and lowered her back for him to get on.
Lin had all the fur on his tail puffed up and with every muscle in his body, he stood in front of the Leopard Queen in order to protect her. It would be a while before her mates got there so he was ready to protect her but his eyes widened in shock as he gazed at the massive form of Rin's beast form.
Once she lowered herself, he got the message then turned to look the Leopard Queen in the eyes.

".... I-"

".... Go."

He was shocked ghat she'd ley her captive go but the warm smule on her face reassured him.

"We have kept you here for too long and besides, as long as you keep your promise then go."

He seemed thought. She shrugged and said,

"It's not like I can keep you here anyway..."

Lin nodded at her then climbed unto Rin's back. Rin let out and ear piercing screech then took off at blinding speeds.
The Leopard Quren watched happily as her mates and several guards alon with the other royals arrived.


Kyle, her mate, called her. She looked at him and puffed her cheek.

"What took you so long~? I was getting hungry!"

Kyle and the rest of her mates sighed as they surrounded her then began fussing over her.

".... Where is the Tiger male?"

The Ape King asked. All heads turned to Roxanne.

"Well, his mate came to pick him up!"

There was silence as they all thought over her words then a chill ran through them.

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