New Beginning

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..........IN THE CITY OF BEASTS........

A week has passed and Lin was getting more and more confused.
            Lin had his brows furrowed as he tried to process what the Leopard King, Kyle, just told him,

"...... A spy managed to get into the Ape King's castle and escape?"


The stoic voice of Kyle sounded as he gazed intently at Lin. Lin hummed.

'.... What is going on here?.... Why is there so much suspicion on the Ape King? First his dealings with the two other Kings and now someone was so suspicious of him enough to send spies....'

He was confused. It made no sense to him what motives the Ape King had. All that he had was a feeling it wasn't good. He sighed as he thought about all the drama that would unfold soon then looked straight up at Kyle.

'....... He's nervous... Him, A King is Nervous.....'

Lin closed his eyes then spoke after some minutes of silence.

"..... The Ape King is hiding something.... Or someone maybe."

Kyle flinched then clenched his fists.

'... I had a feeling so I wanted to confirm from someone else's view and it seems I'm right..."

Kyle was nervous since the danger level just rose  even higher with Lin's words.

"... It would be good if you could be quiet on his actions and instead monitor the Tiger and Wolf Royalty... I believe they are being manipulated...."

Kyle's eyes widened as Lin just smiled.

'If there's an internal conflict then Liangyu can obtain this City better.'

He smiled wider at the thought.
Around a week ago, Alpha-06 had visited him. He stated he wouldn't take Lin back since Liangyu would want to do that herself and he was only here to inform him on their war plans so he should be ready.
Lin didn't think Liangyu would start a war so soon but it was eventually going to happen.

'Might as well support the Leopard Royalty.... Maybe I can pull the Wolf and Tiger Kings to our side....'

He wondered. Kyle was anxious and Lin knew so he fanned the flames and told Kyle of the suspicious movement and behavior of the Wolf King whenever the Ape King came around when he used to be the Wolf King's advisor. This was all effective as Kyle was frightned.

".... If the Ape King is trying to ursurp the power of the other Kings with force alone then it is impossible with him having no stripes....."

Kyle's ears perked up.

"But... If he was to use the other Kings to fight each other then it is very possible."

Kyle's brows were knitted.

"....... Maybe,"

He looked up at Lin.


Lin smiled.

"Yes. Maybe my mate will be able to help remove him."

Kyle's eyes flew wide open then closed. He chuckled darkly.

"So that's what you want.... To control the Leopard Royalty..."

He looked furious but calmed down slowly as the chance of ridding the threat known as the Ape King had presented itself.
Lin was a little frightened since the one he was trying to win over was a legend who had attained four stripes at an early age and became the leader of the Leopard race far younger than any other in the history of the race. He who had led many brave warriors to hunt down Colossals and had even faced against to he Feral King.

'.... If I'm not careful, I might die....'

A bead of sweat dripped down the side of his face as he looked on anxiously.

"...... Fine. We Leopards will collaborate with you so long as you don't try harming us......"

Kyle spoke in a domineering manner and Lin was happy. He had gotten Liangyu an ally.
While he was celebrating, Kyle sighed and left to check on other stuff.

"..... You can come out now Soren..."

Out from the shadows came a wolf male of great beauty.

Out from the shadows came a wolf male of great beauty

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"..... Thanks for helping me escape the ape's hounds... I owe you one!"

He smirked. Lin rubbed his temples and sighed in annoyance.

"You leech! Begone!"

Soren shrugged then took a cloak and wore it. He turned to leave then glanced back.

"Am going to be your messenger in exchange right?"

Lin nodded. Soren sighed in exasperation then approached a window.

"When you go Soren.... Show respect, especially to to Head Males, if you like your head being on your neck....."

Soren scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"I'm not afraid of some lovesick males! I'll be fine! You worry too much!"

And with that, Soren jumped out the window

'I'm worried about Virgil ripping your head off if you do something stupid!'

He took deep breaths and calmed himself down as he thought of what next to do.

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