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August 3rd
Syd's new character

"Papa..." Carter whined as I rolled out of bed, I glanced over at him before shaking my head. "What?"

"You leave me?"

"I got work." He fussed at the words while I made my way to the closet to get my uniform, Honey made her way out of the bathroom. "Ma, papa stay home."

"Papa has to work."

"Papa stay home, plee's." He begged, I listened from the closet while getting my work clothes. "I'll be back before you know it, Doo."

"I go?"

"You wanna go?"

"He's not going—."

"—and why not? He'll be ok." I remind Honey, she shook her head. "We gonna be in the rig all shift, shit the most he'll do is sleep."

"And what happens when you have to get out and unload shit?"

"He'll be helping me, ain't that right Doo?" I smiled, high-fiving him, Honey scoffed which made me smack my lips. "Man you can go, mama ain't talking bout—."

She popped my lips before I could finish, I frowned and sat my clothes down before picking her up. I gently slammed her on the bed while receiving laughs from her, Carter ran over and looked between the two of us, not knowing who to help.

"Get her, Doo." I insisted, he smiled and grabbed ahold of the bed sheets to try and pull himself up, I quickly helped him up before I went back to pinning her down. He began to tickle her like she would do him, which made me chuckle at the sight of her squirming out of my grip to get Carter.

I grabbed him by his chest while she grabbed his legs and we both began to gently pull him which had him laughing like crazy. Honey finally let go a few seconds later and I sat him down before going back to putting on my uniform.


"Yeah?" I looked over at Honey, she licked her lips before sitting up. I watched as she crossed her ankles and cupped her hands which let me know that she was serious. "Wassup?"

She sucked in a breath before sighing. "I'm pregnant." She mumbled, I looked up from putting my belt on to see her with staring blankly out at the floor. "You serious?"


"How far along?"

"A month."

"And you're just now telling me? I mean, I'm glad that you are but you couldn't have told me sooner?" I asked, turning my attention to her.

"Shit I tried, I couldn't tell you why you were gone because I wanted to tell you in person." She admitted, I licked my lips while finishing my task with a slight sigh. "Well, I'm glad you pregnant. Hopefully we can have a girl this time." I stood between her legs before placing my hand on her stomach.

"A girl?" Carter asked.


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