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April 3rd

Honey yawned as she pulled into the driveway of Mella's place, the woman being outside in the front yard playing with Lil Nick when she noticed, she jumped up quickly and ran to the car.

"HONEY!" She squealed while opening the door for her, pulling the woman out. Honey giggled and hugged her back with the same intensity, the smile on her face genuine and loving.

"I missed you so much, girl!" Mel exclaimed while wiping the tears that rushed to her face, Honey did so as well while smiling lightly. "I'm back now, and I won't be leaving any time soon—."

"—fuck that, the next time you leave I'm going with you. And ima tie our ankles together— oh my god, you've gotten so big!" She whined while touching Honey's stomach, Honey giggled.

"When is it due— wait, am I having a niece or nephew?"

"She's a girl and she's due any day now.. she just doesn't wanna come out." Honey shook her head, hearing Carter in the car calling Mel's name. She smiled and raced around the car to his side, opening the door she unstrapped him and got him out.

Hugging the boy tightly, she kissed his head and pat his back. "Hi, nephew."

"Hey tete, Nicky." He waved at Lil Nick, Honey smiling at the sight. "Girl it's only been a few months, he's gotten so big. Those genetics."

"Girl yeah, he's growing fast right before my eyes."

"In law?" Honey heard from behind her, she turned around to see Nico standing just a few feet away with Lil Nick. "Hey, Nicholas."

"You lucky a nigga love you." He stated while pulling her into a hug, she chuckled lightly and hugged him back. "You done got big as hell, look like you bout to pop."

"Stop." Honey frowned which made him chuckle and sit Lil Nick down so him and Carter could catch up. "So you back for good or what?" Nico asked her, him and Mel both helping her up the driveway to the porch.


"You been home yet?"

"This was the first place I could think to go, I'm nervous." She admitted while limping into the house. "Shit you should've did the dash tryna get home, Syd been fucked up without you." Nico told her, Mel gave him a look and Honey just shook her head.

"I heard, I miss her. And I never intended on things getting this bad." She admitted, sitting on the couch. "We know, but it's about time y'all talked that shit out. Cant nobody tell her shit but you anyways." Nico reminded her, she sighed and picked Carter up as he came to her.

He rested in her lap and played with her belly, Honey smiled to herself at the sight. "Please don't tell her I'm back yet—."

"—oh you got that one, I ain't talked to Syd in bout 2 months now." Nico stated, Mel rolling her eyes. "Haven't talked to her since you left." She admitted, Honey raised an eyebrow.

"Why not?"

"She stopped coming to work, stopped fucking with us all. And when I asked her about it, we got into it so I just let her be." Nico shrugged while leaning back on the couch, Honey scratched her head.

The Package SequelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang