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Feb 5th

Syd sat on the couch staring down at the letter that Honey had sent her, just a few days ago was Carter's 4th birthday which Syd missed out on, just like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years.

It seemed as though she was gonna miss Valentine's Day as well, headed in the route they were. This was the second letter she received from Honey, the only thing she heard from the woman.

The first were just pictures of her baby bump, and a few of Carter. There weren't any words since the woman couldn't figure out what to say to Sydney just yet.

She was picking herself up piece by piece, building a connection with her mother which was slowly but surely healing her wounds. In the few months, the two women caught up on each other as much as they could.

They spent nights staying awake talking, watching television together, cooking, almost every little thing that mothers and daughters did. It was so peaceful that it had gotten to the point where Honey felt like she could tell the woman anything, and she was sure she could.

But she knew within herself that it was only a matter of time before something happened, she could feel it within herself. She told herself that she'd stay longer, wanting to develop a bond with the woman that wouldn't dissolve if she were to leave and go 1000+ miles away.

Plus it wasn't time, she explained that in her new letter to Sydney, but the woman hadn't opened it yet. While Honey was figuring herself out, Syd was home lounging around every day.

She didn't leave the house because she didn't wanna miss the moment where Honey came back to her. The more she told herself that, the longer she waited; and the longer she waited, it never happened.

She was never gonna lose faith though, she promised herself that as well as to Honey. Although she wasn't even sure if the woman got her letter back, she expressed how sorry and upset she was that the woman left her, and that she missed her and would give anything for her to be back home.

Honey in fact did read the letter, but never got around to sending another. That was a little after new years, and Syd was left to sulk around the house with herself. No Carter, and no Honey to annoy.

New Years was Carter's second favorite holiday, him and Syd would blow horns all day until Honey got annoyed and threw them away, and then they would go outside and mark the walls of the carport with paint each year.

When Carter was 1, they used yellow, 2 was green, and 3 was left blank by Syd. She went out and stared at the hands on the the day of the new year and cried to herself while thinking about the boy.

She cried to herself while looking at pictures of him, she even found herself sleeping in his room a lot more often.

A knock sounded off at the door, making Syd's head snap off in the direction. She stood up and went to get it, opening the door to see her mother standing there with Matt.

"I can't keep doing this, Sydney. I'm taking off from my—." Syd grabbed Matt and just walked away from the woman who surely followed behind, slapping her neck when she caught up.

"Don't you walk away from me, Sydney—."

"—I don't wanna hear that, you act like you just gotta pick him up—."

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