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Short Honeymoon Clips

"Oh... My... GOD!" Honey expressed the moment they made it to their little beach area for the week, Syd recording her reaction with a big smile but she honestly was just as surprised.

The Maldives was a great choice, they had hardly even been there an hour yet and Honey saw tons of sights and beautiful views. "Baby..... this is so beautiful.. oh my god!" She walked around the bungalow observing the luxury furniture and appliances.

Syd hummed in agreement while walking around herself, she had gotten them their own villa with a private pool, hammock, ocean access. It was all perfect for a week in the Maldives.

Syd walked along the wooden floors, smiling slightly once she walked over the glass parts, she could see the little fish swimming around underneath them. "Awwww! They set us up a honeymoon bed!" Syd followed the sound of Honey's voice into the large bedroom.

A large Queen sized bed sat against the center wall, Happy Honeymoon was spelled out in flower petals . They even had some kind of fabrics like towels or pillow sheets put together to create a heart.

"It's a heart?"

"And a swan." Honey added while fumbling with the decoration, Syd tilted her head to see the vision before nodding. "We're over water?"

"Yeah.. you scared?"

"Of what?"

"You might wake up in the water." Syd shrugged while leaving the room, heading back into the living room area. "Did you plan any activities for us today?"

"No... i mean... not right now. I figured you wanted your rest before we got into anything." Syd replied back while grabbing ahold of their bags, Honey humming as she found her way into the bathroom, the giant vanity coming to life when she entered the room.

"Good, I'm gonna take a shower and then get a nap in.."

"Hold on, let me put these damn bags up."

"Ok but we aren't doing anything." Honey told the woman while running a hand through her hair, Syd chuckling from the bedroom. "You restricting me now?"

"No.. we've just been fucking a lot lately. Gotta let it breathe." Honey replied back while leaving the restroom, she grabbed her toiletry bag from the pile of the others and made her way back to the bathroom.

"I told you this would happen.. talking bout let it breathe." Syd told her while following her into the bathroom. "I heard you could get sick from nutting too much."

"Oh really?" Syd asked Honey, she hummed. "I heard it causes blindness and eternal migraines.. and nerve damage—."

"—quit before you jinx me." Syd stated before chuckling along with Honey, she began slipping her pants down while biting her lip. "How many times you take the pill afterwards?"

"A few times.." Honey answered while digging in the bag, searching for something to wrap her hair up. "Why you tryna get rid of my baby?"

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