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May 2nd

we woke up..

A few weeks went by of Honey being back home, and things weren't the best at all. Syd was in fact the person everyone else said her out to be.

She stayed out a lot but she did come back home, sometimes she was in different moods which led Honey to believe that she was getting high and drunk every night, but every time she asked Syd about it she just said that she smoked a little weed and that was all.

Syd was also a better parent whenever she was home, she began to brainstorm ideas on what Charli's room would look like, she binged watch shows with Carter, took him out whenever she could and spent as much time with to make up for the months she missed.

And with Charli, she was holding the little girl as much as she could. Assuring that the baby would know who her papa was, Syd gave her a show every night, making the baby smile and coo.

Something unusual to Honey, she was extremely cheerful and was hardly a month yet. Sometimes Syd would unwind with her, and both of them would end up asleep, leaving Honey to put Charli in her crib and climb into bed with a resting Syd.

Their relationship was still empty as ever, but Syd was making sure that her children felt the love that she wanted to give them throughout the months, and Honey couldn't really argue that.

Her family did look well, and now all that needed work was her relationship with Sydney.

Honey didn't give up on her though, she stayed home all day every day, cleaned up around the house, and cooked dinner for Syd who left around 3 and came back at 9 every night.

Honey knew that she was out with a friend, but she couldn't tell if it were a friend friend or someone Syd could've been creeping around with while she was gone.

And tonight, she was gonna ask.

"Sydney.." She called the woman's name from bed, she had just gotten out of the shower and was straightening up in the mirror while Honey watched.


"Are you cheating on me?" She asked the woman, Syd's eyebrows furrowed and she glanced over. "No." She answered. "I been with Tee all day." She told Honey, but even if she was to cheat, she wouldn't know because she could hardly remember things due to her being high most of the time.

But she was sure she didn't cheat, she had never did so and never planned on doing so.

"You have to be with him all day?" Honey asked, Syd sighed. "You were with him all day?" Honey asked again after Syd didn't say anything.

"Yes, we was at his crib just chilling. Nothing else." Syd answered while making her way out of the room, Honey got up and followed.

"Why didn't you pick up the phone and say that then?"

"I ain't realize I had to report back to you, shit I am grown as well." Syd reminded her, Honey sighed and rolled her eyes. "Yeah whatever." She mumbled.

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