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A few weeks later

"Mell.." I called out, knocking on her room door as I stood with Charli in my arms. "Yeah?"

"I need you to watch the kids for me." I insisted while stepping back, watching as the door opened. "Where you going?"

"To meet Syd." I mumbled. I'm finally going back. After almost 7-8 months, and I feel so guilty but relieved at the same time.

"Oop, you know Syd don't fool with me—."

"—yeah I know, but I don't know if she's in her right mind right now. I just need you to stay with the kids." I pleaded, she hummed and came out of the room. Nico was at work and Lik Nick was at Mella's brother house, so I was just chilling with her, letting her be an aunt or whatever.

I went back into the living room and put Charli in her seat, she glanced up at me with curious eyes. I grabbed her bottle from the table and put it in her car seat as well, and then I made sure I had pumped enough milk and made enough bottles for her just in case I was gone longer than usual.

I situated them in the baby bag and then I kissed a sleeping Carter from the couch. I slid my phone into my legging pocket and situated Charli's bag before glancing back at Mella.

"Super mom." She told me, I chuckled and walked out of the door, she watched behind me.


"Thank you much!"


I pulled into the long driveway of ours and pulled all the way into the back, seeing Syd's car here which meant that she was home this time. I think so anyways.

I sighed and got out of the car, shutting the door I made my way through the carport into the house. The door not being locked surprised me, but I kept going nonetheless.

I peaked into our bedroom and our eyes met, and my world felt as if it had slowed down as I stared at her. She had her hair up per usual, but she didn't look how she normally would. Her eyes didn't have a sparkle, her cheeks weren't softly flushed and she wasn't smiling.

Her eyes were low as if she'd just woken up, her hair being messy and needed done, and her skin seemed bruised and irritated. She leaned forward and suddenly I wanted to run away, but my feet wouldn't move, I was stuck in one place.

"Where the kids?" She spoke first, her voice sounding as bad as she did. "We need to talk, never mind them right now."

"Yeah, we do."

"Ok, first... I'm sorry that things turned out the way they did, I never intended on us losing each other the way we did. I thought this would help, honestly I was mentally in the worst place of my life just a few months ago. But now—."

- syd-

"Now.." She started but then sighed, she came into the room and sat down while maintaining eye contact. "I feel like a completely different person than I was a few months ago—."

"—why come back to me if I made you feel that way?" I cut her off. "Because I love you, and we have a family together." She reminded me, I stared at her as all my emotions started to build up again, and my heart started to ache.

"After how I made you feel, you gone tell me that love outweighs all that shit?"

"Yes, you think I don't love you?"

"I would've never left you." I stated, and everything went silent for a second. "Well excuse me for wanting to be better for you, and you were the one telling me to get my shit together—."

"— I didn't mean leave me alone for months on in, no matter what I would've stayed with you. Regardless of the fights or whatever else—."

"—well there's only so much I can handle, Sydney. You think I wanted to stay here and I felt useless?"

"I ain't ever mean to make you feel that way—."

"—I forgave you months ago. I came back because we have a family, you made a promise to me. You said we were gonna be together forever, and no matter what happens you'll always be here for me." She reminded me, I clenched my jaw and just stared at her.

I can't deny the fact that I do love her and I still wanna be with her. I do want my family back.

But at the same time, I hurt her. And I'm undeserving of her. I can't do shit right, that's why life is going the way it is. She left because of how I treated her, and she's coming back to the same person she left.

"I ain't changed one bit, you don't love me." I spoke up after the silence. "And that's why I came back, to help you get through this because we're 2 grown adults that both have traumatic experiences when it comes to life. I left to heal myself, and I came back to heal us." She stated, I unclenched my jaw and licked my lips.

"But you're not well—."

"—tearing me down ain't gone make this no better—."

"—tearing you down? Sydney, I've went to bat for you, for months now. No matter what anyone said, I gave you the benefit of the doubt because I know that you're not this person that everyone's painting you as. I know what you're capable of, and I know that you deserve love—."

"—stop making this deeper than it is—."

"—then you stop acting like I'm a horrible person when I just want better for us." She said back. "I hear you."

"But do you get me?"

"Yeah." I mumble a reply, she sighed. "I'm serious—."

"—so am I, Honey." I replied while sitting up straight. "I love you." I told her after a few silent seconds, her eyes lit up. "I love you too."

"I hope you find it in yourself to forgive me, Sydney. I promise my intentions were pure, I never meant to hurt you." She cleared up, I nodded and stood to meet her.

"You cool, I'm not tripping." I shrugged, she pulled me into a hug and damn near squeezed the life out of me. "I've missed you so much.."

"I missed you too." I stated as she pulled away. "Now can I see my kids?"

"They're not with me, I didn't think this would be a walk in the park." She admitted, I raised an eyebrow. "And why not?"

"Well, your mom told me—."

"—of course she been in yo' ear." I shook my head, Honey sighed. "That doesn't matter, we need to get you better—."

"—I wanna see my kids, Honey. Seeing them would make me feel 1000% better." I told her, she sighed. "You're not ready."

Short chapter , boring chapter as well.
But this isn't the talk, and things ain't all peaches and cream.
So don't get comfortable.

The Package SequelWhere stories live. Discover now