
"I'm so happy you stayed for my mating ceremony!" Rachel squealed. 

I looked at my friend in awe. "You look stunning." 

She was in an all white, lace dress. It was skin tight and off the shoulder. She had her shoulder length chocolate hair in a low sophisticated bun with wavy strands hanging on either side of her face. She was adding red lipstick as her brother walked in. 

She turned to him and said, "Haven't you heard of knocking?"

He looked at her and I could see the tears build behind his brown eyes, even though he was trying his best to hold them in. Rachel rolled her eyes as he stood there silently, probably wondering when his little sister became a woman. He took a deep breath and visibly shoved his emotions back inside. 

Then he said, "Well, I didn't think you wanted to be late to your own ceremony, not a very good look for a Luna." 

She smiled at him knowingly.

Ava interjected, "You know, you don't have to hide your emotions behind sarcasm."

He squinted his eyes at her as he said, "And you don't need to read my emotions with your witchy powers."

I said, "She didn't need magic to read your face." He stuck his tongue out at me and I smiled.

Rachel said, "Guys, you realize this is the last time we are going to hang out just the four of us for like, a really long time right?"

We all got a little somber at her words. We all knew it. This was the beginning of a new life for Rachel. A life we wouldn't be as involved in.

I looked at my friends and said, "Maybe, but we're family, no matter what happens or where life takes us. I love you guys." 

Rachel looked at me as she shed a tear. Ava smiled with her perfectly white teeth. I'm not sure many people knew how great her smile was. She was way more infamous for her scowl. I turned my head to see Will looking at his shoes. He quickly raised his head as if he could feel my eyes on him. 

Then he said, "Alright. That's enough sappiness. Isn't it bad to cry before this thing? I mean aren't you worried about your makeup or something?" 

I rolled my eyes. 

"Really? Is that what you think? Because we're girls that all we care about…"

I didn't get to finish my sentence as Rachel turned to look in the mirror and said, "My makeup!" She dabbed her face with a tissue trying to fix any smudges.

Ava laughed and I shook my head. "On that note, it's time." I gave Rachel a knowing smile and squeezed her arm lightly. Then I stood up and turned to Ava. I held out my elbow and she took it. "Thanks for being my date tonight." I said.

We walked out of the dressing room and she said, "I figured you were lonely since your alphas left." 

It had only been three days without them and at first I really missed them, my heart literally ached for their presence. Then, maybe halfway through the second day, I started to feel like my old self. I felt like I did before I met them, which seemed odd. Mates were supposed to pine for each other even when they weren’t near the other. The way I felt now was somewhere between Alphas who? And maybe I had imagined the whole thing. We were supposed to leave for Shadow’s pack tomorrow, but I was having second thoughts about the whole thing. 

Ava noticed my pensiveness, "Or maybe not."

We walked through a large field used for training the warriors. It had a sparring ring and an obstacle course. I smiled as I remembered watching the warriors while they trained. It all made sense why I preferred it to what was considered the female's duties. "I don't know Ava. Life was so complicated when they were here. Part of me is wondering why I'm putting myself through this."

Her Prophecy: Not His LunaWhere stories live. Discover now