Dante was bleeding profusely out of his sockets and when he opened what was left of his eyelids, it was a horrifying sight. The blood trickled down and he had literal holes in his eyeballs. He shut them quickly and tried to open them again, but they continued to bleed. I wasn't sure if they were healing or not. He shut them once again and rubbed at them, but it was no use. Rachel watched him closely as she took a moment to compose herself, still weak from the beating she took.

Dante growled like a wild animal, throwing his head back and then shouting, "I'm going to kill you, you stupid little bitch!" He wasn't looking at her, though, and she realized that he couldn't see her. She stood perfectly still, not making even the slightest noise so that he couldn't hear her either. If he didn't know where she was, maybe she could win. I wasn't the only one to notice this, I realized, as I suddenly heard loud thumping, almost like when you stomp at a sporting event. I turned to see my father slamming his fists on the side of the ring. I watched as my mother joined him, followed by many of the guards who fought alongside my father.

Will looked at me confused, "What are they doing?"

I smiled as a tear came to my eye, "If Dante can't hear her, she can make her final blow. They're showing their support for the alpha they want."

I smiled wider as I started to thump the side of the ring as well. Behind us, wolves began stomping and clapping.

Dante growled again as Rachel looked around in awe, even some of the cronies had joined in. Then she gave a smirk as she turned to look at Dante. She charged him, shifting into her wolf in the process. We watched as she ripped his head clean from his body. The entire crowd erupted in cheers, cheers for their new alpha. Her beautiful brown wolf stood proud, looking out at her people.

Ava finally spoke, "Does she look larger to you?"

I took a moment to analyze my friend and realized she indeed had grown in size, the sign of a true alpha. She shifted back and walked out of the ring holding her head high despite the obvious injuries all over her body.

I placed a blanket over her shoulders and she smiled, "Thank you for making me do that."

"That was all you." She smiled wider. Then the crowd began congratulating her. Everyone surrounded her, they all wanted to be remembered in her good graces. They shook her hand and offered their gratitude for her heroics. Dante was apparently just as bad as Erik.

Suddenly the praise went silent as one of the loudest growls I have ever heard came from behind the crowd. Everyone parted to show Sean making his way towards his mate. He didn't have to wait long as Rachel ran and jumped in his arms as the blanket fell to the ground.

Once again he caught her flawlessly. He seemed so proud of her, and I felt a longing in my chest as I watched him squeeze her tightly to his body, kissing everywhere he saw a bruise. From what I have heard, the touch of a mate can heal your injuries quicker.

The magic between true mates is something you wouldn't believe. Maybe that's why I was starting to finally feel ready. Maybe having a mate would be like it was for Rachel: a healing experience. A connection unlike anything I have ever witnessed before.

Will cut into my thoughts, "So, I guess that'll be the last time I ever doubt my sister's abilities."

Ava had a mischievous smile on her face, "Did you really think I would let her fight without knowing the outcome?" We both looked at her in shock. "What? That guy was a gorilla, so I looked into her future and saw her rip his head off."

I laughed, "You sneaky…"

"Why didn't you tell us?"

Ava looked at Will with an eyebrow raised, "Well, number one, your reactions would have made others suspicious. And two I couldn't risk anything changing the outcome."

Rachel and Sean joined us. She was now wearing Sean’s shirt and he was bare chested. "So, you really didn't use magic to help me?" Her voice was hopeful.

Ava shook her head and Rachel smiled like I had never seen before. She was proud of herself, and rightfully so.

Sean turned to her offering his arm and said, "Shall we?"

She nodded as she placed her arm in the crook of his. Then they stepped into the ring together.

He turned to the crowd and said, "This isn't how I pictured today going." He took a deep breath and said, "Before we get back to business, are there any other objections?" It was silent, as any of the forest creatures had vanished during the fight and not one wolf would dare challenge them after what had happened. "Good." He turned to Rachel, "I know this isn't how you wanted this to happen. I know you wanted the fancy dress and …"

She didn't let him finish, "As long as you're here, this is exactly how I want to do this."

She presented her neck to him. He rubbed his finger down it until he reached the area he was going to place his mark. We all watched as he dug his canines into the base of her neck. Rachel didn't flinch or show an ounce of pain. She instead seemed to enjoy it. I watched as her knees almost buckled when he pulled them out and licked the area he had just claimed.

The holes made by his canines vanished almost instantly. Rachel touched the mark, seemingly amazed that the skin was no longer raised. Instead what looked like a tattoo of a howling wolf appeared. Rachel smiled so big I couldn't help the smile that came to my face.  Then she turned to her mate and said, "Your turn."

The rest of the ceremony went the same. She marked him and the same mark appeared on his neck. They said more lovey dovey words and everyone cheered for their new alphas. They, of course, would have to have a separate ceremony at the next full moon to claim the alpha position.

They followed the ceremony with a pack run, where the whole pack shifts into their wolf form and they run together. It is a really nice bonding experience that I have never had. She invited us to join, but I didn't want to steal any of her thunder. Plus, I still wasn't comfortable with a lot of the members in this pack. I was so happy that Rachel had found a place she could belong, but Moonstone would never be that place for me, not after all I had been through.

Will looked reminiscent, "Don't tell her I said this, but I'm going to miss her so much."

"We all will, but this is the best thing that could have happened to her." He nodded.

Ava booty bumped him as she said, "Perk up! You'll be busy protecting this one now." She nodded at me.

He laughed and said, "So what's the plan for tomorrow?"

Ava looked at me expectantly. I smiled, "Well, there was some talk of a vacation."

Ava laughed and Will looked confused.

Her Prophecy: Not His LunaKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat