
"Caleb?" His name came out breathy, like I was in a dream. He looked like a dream, his dark hair was slightly longer than the last time I saw him and his once smooth face was now sporting a five o'clock shadow. The air felt thicker somehow, my breathing felt heavy. And my heart felt like it wanted to beat out of my chest. I stared into his baby blues, wanting to stay forever wrapped in his arms.

It reminded me of the night we cuddled in my motel bed. That was the most passionate night I had ever had and nothing happened more than kissing. It was easy to get lost in him. He provided me with such comfort, a feeling of being safe, of being home. I realized at this point that my whole body was tingling. Every place our skin touched felt electrified. He looked at me with such certainty. Like he knew. He knew I was his. He knew and he was just waiting for me to figure it out. I wanted nothing more than to feel his soft lips reach mine. But a single thought jolted me back to reality.

What was he doing here? His pack wasn't close by, so it's not like this would be where he shopped. I had to ask, "Did you follow me here?"

He paused a moment before answering with a mischievous smile. "Define follow."

I shoved him as I stood up and he grunted a little as he was pushed further to the ground. He stood as I was fixing myself and looking for my lost shoe.

He grabbed my boot from behind him and knelt to help me put it on as he said, "I didn't follow you here. I was at Blood Moon trying to help Jacob barter with Damon."

I furrowed my brow with a smirk, "and you just happened to show up at the mall at the exact same time as me? A mall that doesn't happen to be very close to Blood Moon?"

He smiled sheepishly before he said, "I figured since I was in the area I'd come to scope it out. It's not that far. Plus they have an Auntie Anne's here and you better believe I had to get a pretzel."

I laughed. "I've never had one."

"What? Do you live under a rock?" I shot up an eyebrow? "Come on, I'll get you one." Then he paused, his attitude shifting to uncomfortable or sad even "Unless, Shane's off getting you one."

I looked at him suspiciously. "He isn't here. I came with the girls."

"Well, then I don't feel bad about stealing you." He gave me possibly the flirtiest smile I had ever seen and I couldn't help but smile back. I was kind of happy he showed up out of nowhere, I could definitely use the distraction. And he was a really great distraction.

I couldn't help but look him over. He was sporting his usual black v neck that showcased his broad shoulders and his large biceps. He had on his regular denim jeans and work boots. Everything about him screamed man and I just couldn’t get enough.

His flirty smile turned to a knowing one as he said, "Although, I wouldn't feel bad about stealing you anyway. Anytime I can have you to myself I am going to take it.”

“You're such a flirt.”

“Only with you.” I looked into his piercing eyes and my breath hitched. It was as if he was staring into my soul. If it was a line, he was very good because I believed him. I believed everything he said. He had been the only one to be honest and forthcoming with me. The only one to not keep any secrets.

I didn't even realize we were at the pretzel stand until I heard Caleb ordering. He ordered one original and one cinnamon one. I took a bite and moaned at how delicious it was. Caleb's eyes opened wide and glowed that delicious blue. He had to literally shake himself to get back to normal. And I didn't know what was more satisfying, him or the pretzel.

Her Prophecy: Not His LunaWhere stories live. Discover now