We walked back and found they had all moved to the training area. Dante was standing in the middle of the sparring ring throwing punches at the air. He had taken his shirt off and was now sporting black basketball shorts. I had to admit he was definitely fit. He had washboard abs and his arms looked even bigger without the shirt. Don't get me wrong, Rachel was fit too, but nothing in comparison.

The whole pack was here still, from the warriors to small children. It seemed that everyone wanted in on the action, anxious to find the new leader of their pack. Will and Ava walked toward us. Will had an obvious look of panic on his face. He had put his long chocolate hair into a ponytail like he was the one about to fight.

"Is Sean ok?" Rachel's only thought was her unconscious mate.

Ava replied, "Yes, he'll wake up when the fight is over."

Will looked at me and said, "So what's the plan? Ava's going to put a protection spell on her or something right?"

"No." I shook my head lightly.

"Lil, you can't honestly be sending my scrawny sister to go fight…" He gestured towards Dante, "That gorilla."

"Will," I grabbed his broad shoulders, "Your sister can handle herself, stop doubting her abilities. Plus, if Ava uses magic, the pack will know. She has to do this herself or she can't be alpha."

He turned to Rachel, fear written all over his face, "Are you sure you want to be alpha?"

She had a serious look of determination on her face as she said, "Nothing has ever felt more right in my life, other than my mate that is. I can feel it in my bones."

He looked relieved by her words, but I could see some fear was still lurking behind his eyes as Rachel walked confidently towards the center of the crowd and then hopped into the ring in her black sports bra and spandex shorts.

She turned to the crowd and said, "Alright folks! You wanted a new alpha? I'm going to show you who your true alpha is!"

The crowd cheered louder than I expected. It threw ginger off his game a little, but he shook it off quickly and replaced it with his smug smile again.

"Tough talk little girl. I'd like to see you back it up." He slowly looked her up and down, licking his lips. I almost threw up at his gesture. Rachel looked calm and confident though and I had never been more proud of her.

"Wolf form or human?" Rachel cut right to the chase.

He didn't bat an eye, "Human."

I moved to the edge of the ring with Will and Ava right behind me. I hopped up on the side of the ring and said,  "This is a battle of the best. Start in human form if you'd like but you may shift if appropriate. It is over when one of you submits or dies." They both nodded. Then they turned to each other. "Are you both ready?" Again they nodded, not taking their eyes off of one another. "Fight!" I yelled. Then I hopped down to stand with my friends.

Rachel sprung into action before I finished saying the word. She punched him in his throat. It was so hard there was a resounding crack heard by every wolf there. The crowd gasped as Dante grabbed his neck and seemed to be having a hard time breathing. Rachel knew she had to strike quickly. She threw a kick to his abdomen and he gasped for air even harder. She threw back to punch him in his face with a look of confidence.

It was quickly erased though, when he grabbed her fist. Rachel was shocked. He looked like he was still having trouble breathing, but he was angry. He yanked her towards him and held her back tightly to his chest with both of her arms trapped. She tried to wiggle free, but his grip was too tight. "I underestimated you." His voice was raspy and I could tell he was talking through the blood that was residing in his throat. "That won't happen again." Rachel's eyes went wide. I looked at Ava and she just kept watching the fight.

Will whispered, "Can Ava help now?"

I didn't respond as I looked back at the fight. I watched as the asshole lifted Rachel above his head and threw her like a rag doll. She landed with a loud thud. Then he charged towards her and kicked her in her stomach. I heard another loud crack and this time I feared it was Rachel's ribs. I closed my eyes tight and then opened them immediately. I didn't want to watch this, but I knew I had to. He kicked her over and over again. I don't think she was breathing at this point.

I heard Will rustling next to me and out of my peripherals I saw him taking off his shirt. He threw it, but I grabbed his wrist as I said, "Not yet."

He looked at me enraged. He was ready to jump in the ring and kill the guy for hurting his sister, but I knew she still had a chance, however slim that was.

"Please?" He didn't move, his expression didn't change. He closed his eyes as I turned back to the fight.

Dante continued to kick her mercilessly, with a smile on his face. Then, just as I thought things couldn't get any worse he rolled her over and straddled her. I growled at the audacity. He held her arms above her head and then looked at me with a wicked smile. I grabbed the edge of the ring to pull myself up, but Ava stopped me by placing her hand on my arm. I looked at her but she never took her eyes off the fight.

I looked back and Rachel looked defeated. She was barely breathing as I watched Dante punch her over and over again.

Then he stood and yelled, "Ready to submit yet?" Rachel had tears streaming down her face and I was having a hard time looking at her. I wanted to jump up and murder this red headed demon wolf. He looked at the crowd and said, "So much for female alphas!" He cackled, as did his group of cronies. Everyone else was silent.

Rachel didn't find this amusing, maybe it gave her the last bit of adrenaline she needed. In a last ditch effort I watched as she used the point of her foot to kick Dante as hard as she could in the family jewels. He fell to his knees and grabbed his manhood. I watched as Rachel jumped to her feet, noticeably in pain, but never slowing down. Her claws had protracted at some point and I watched as she swiftly shoved her thumbs into Dante's eyes. It was horrific and bloody. She quickly pulled away and stumbled back to the opposite side of the ring.

Her Prophecy: Not His LunaWhere stories live. Discover now