Back at the mansion, I mean pack house, I decided to find Shane. I was writing him off and feeling pretty guilty about how much time I spent with Caleb. I mean I didn't really know Shane, other than he was hot and a pretty dominant alpha. And that he seemed to not want to be my mate.

I walked toward his office and I heard him talking to someone. My curiosity got the better of me so I stopped to listen.

He seemed unusually happy, "How do you always know exactly what I need?"

I heard Ophelia's voice, "I'm not sure Alpha. It's almost instinctual."

"You can call me Shane." There was a pause and then he said, "When it's just the two of us that is." Little did they know it wasn't just the two of them.

At this point I started to feel guilty for listening in and slightly jealous that he was showing her so much attention. I continued to walk to his office. They must have heard me coming because when I reached the doorway she was cleaning up and he was working on paperwork. They weren't even looking at each other. When Shane realized it was me he jumped out of his chair like he was doing something wrong.

I furrowed my brow and said, "Hey."

"Sorry, I wasn't expecting you. My mom will usually stay out shopping all day."

"Yeah, shopping isn't really my thing." Then I turned to Ophelia who was still cleaning. "Hi Ophelia. "

She turned around, surprised I was speaking to her. I guess most people ignored her presence. "Hello, umm…" She looked at Shane then back at me. She was unsure what to call me.

"You can just call me Lily." Then I winked at Shane and said, "Even when it's not just the two of us." Shane's mouth dropped open. I laughed and then immediately felt bad when Ophelia looked scared. "Oh I was just teasing. You aren't in trouble or anything Ophelia. If you don't mind though, I think Shane and I should talk in private."

"Oh of course ma'am. I mean, Lily." Then she scurried off.

I waited until her footsteps disappeared then I turned to Shane who looked a little frightened himself. "Do you think she could be your mate?"

His face changed to a look of confusion  Then he said, "What? Why would you say that?"

"I have seen you two exchange glances. She seems more than enamored with you. And since I have been here every single person including your mother has given me dirty looks for never calling you Alpha, yet you don't mind if she calls you by your first name?"

He looked slightly relieved, but also a little irritated. "You are my mate. You are the female alpha and our pups will bring the greatest generation of wolves to ever exist."

"Those are facts. Not your feelings. I can feel a distance between us. I thought it was just because you didn't want a strong female as your mate, but it's really because your mate has been here the whole time. It's why you don't feel as strongly toward me as the other alphas. She has been here all along and you are having a hard time because you don't feel it with her yet, but you feel something."

"That's ridiculous! She's an omega. The alpha cannot be mated to an omega. Think of our pups."

"Your pups would be both strong and caring. They would be the best of both of you. She could be exactly what you need."

"You just want to check me off your list so you can be that much closer to choosing. No. It doesn't work like that. Maybe I'm not a sappy loser like Shadow, and maybe you don’t have as much fun with me as you do with Caleb.” He paused as I looked at my feet feeling an overwhelming guilt. He could probably smell him on me. We hadn’t been intimate but a wolf’s sense of smell is unlike any other. And I probably smelled just like him.

Her Prophecy: Not His LunaWhere stories live. Discover now