10 Years Ago

I was playing at the playground near school wearing my new dress. My parents had given it to me as a gift. It was a light blue, flowy sundress. I wore black bicycle shorts underneath it as I couldn’t be trusted not to do cartwheels and whatnot. My white tennis shoes were pretty beat up, but they were my favorite. When we entered the playground I had every intention of playing kickball with the rest of the kids, but I found myself exploring near the forest. I felt such a strong pull to it at that moment, something was in there waiting for me. The trees towered high above me blocking my view of what was inside. I could sense there was something ominous in there, but it didn't stop me from taking a step closer.

I went to take another step when I heard a familiar voice behind me, "Where do you think you're going?" I turned to see my nemesis: Aidan Fuller. He was almost two years older than me, but that didn't stop him from pestering me everyday. "The woods are no place for a girl." I hated the way he emphasized the word girl. He made it sound like a disease.

I rolled my eyes, "Says who?"

"Everyone." He said matter of factly. Aidan’s dad was one of the warriors. Most of the warriors, if not all, were extremely sexist. They all believed women should be kept in the kitchen and with the babies. Then again, most of the pack viewed women like that. Even at such a young age I knew there was more for me than cooking and cleaning.

"Well I can handle myself." I turned on my heel ready to go further in, when I felt his clammy little hand grab my forearm.

"No way! I'm not letting you in there. I can't have you dying on the same day I told my dad I chose you to be my mate. He said he was going to arrange it." He gave me a confidently wicked smirk like that was supposed to mean something to me.

"I don't want a mate."

He laughed, "Of course you do. What else would you have in life without one?" I scowled at him.

"Look, even if I did want one, I would never want you!" He grabbed me by my biceps and pulled me close.

He inched his face closer to mine until our noses were almost touching. He had a fiery rage burning behind his light brown eyes and I was starting to feel frightened. He didn’t have his wolf yet, but his father was strong, an elite warrior. Which made Aidan a little bigger and tougher than some of the others.

"Well good thing it doesn't matter what you want. You will be mine!" He looked smug. At least he did for a second.

Then I felt a warm liquid hit my face and splatter all over my new dress. I squeezed my eyes shut quickly. I wasn't prepared though when I opened them. I was left staring at the blank expression on Aidan's face as everything turned into slow motion. A quick glimpse caught a hand being pulled from the hole that now resided in his chest, right where his heart was. Then his lifeless body fell to the ground.

I looked up in horror to see none other than Erik, my soon to be alpha staring angrily at me. Somehow, he also seemed to be unfazed that he was holding a child's heart in his hand.

He let out a possessive growl as he said, "Mine!"

Present Day

I awoke from my dream, or maybe it was a memory. Either way I was having trouble breathing. I remember Aidan. He used to follow me around the playground and annoy the crap out of me. He teased me and pulled my hair, then one day he was just gone. I never knew what happened to him. Or maybe I did and for some reason I couldn't remember. I jumped out of bed and ran to Ava's room. I knocked once and then let myself in.

She was getting dressed as she said, "What's the point of knocking if you are just going to walk right in?"

"I need to talk to you." She was wearing jeans and had just finished pulling her gray t-shirt over her head. "I had another dream." She furrowed her brow. "Well maybe it was a memory, but not. Because I don't remember it. Like the one I had of Alpha James and the witch. Do you think she took my memories?"

"It seems that way. It would be hard to tell for sure."

"I don't understand though if she took my memories why are they all suddenly coming back to me?"

Ava looked at me, "There's only two ways a spell can be broken: with a counter spell or if the witch who casted it died."

"Oh."  We both fell silent for a moment. "Maybe she undid the spell when she found out Erik was dead. I don't know why she even worked with Alpha James. He hated witches."

"Didn't you think the same thing about Erik?" I nodded. That had been surprising. Erik seemed to hate witches, but I guess he was desperate to be more powerful. "Today, I will work on finding out more. First though, I need a cup of coffee."

"Thanks." I smiled and walked back out the door. I was startled by a low seductive growl. I realized at this point I was still in my pajamas. Which was just a slightly large t-shirt and panties… nothing else. When I looked up, I saw Shadow staring at me with wide, glowing, blue eyes, and his nostrils flared. He licked his lips like I was a piece of meat and he was going to eat me. It sent shivers down my spine. I took a step toward him and he crossed the hall in less than a second.

He wrapped his long arm around my back, firmly placing his hand right above my behind. He pulled me into him and I gasped. I stared at his perfectly sculpted face and his strong jaw. He stopped for a second and then I heard someone clear their throat behind me. Shadow looked over my shoulder at Ava. He closed his eyes tightly and when he opened them they had turned back to his normal dark blue. He released me and I stumbled backwards a little. His cheeks turned bright red as he turned around and darted down the stairs, leaving me in shock.

I stood still for a second looking at the stairs when Ava walked into my line of sight. "I didn't mean to interrupt, but you were still standing right outside my door."

"I'm glad you did. I don't know if I would have stopped."

"He is a dream boat."

I finally looked at her and she had a smirk on her face, "Don't make fun of me. You know I can't help it."

She let out a chuckle as she headed for the stairs. "I'll meet you downstairs. You need to put some clothes on." Then she shouted, "and don't forget to take a cold shower!"

I gave a low agitated growl. Then I walked to my room and did exactly as she said.

When I finally reached the kitchen everyone was there waiting for me. Will was the first to speak, "Jeez! Could you take any longer?"

"Sorry, I just had a weird dream and it threw me off."

Shadow looked concerned, "Are you ok?"

I nodded, "I'm fine. Just need some coffee." He handed me a mug and I went to the table to add some sugar and milk.

"So, if you don't mind, there's one more place I would like to show you." I nodded, drank my coffee and grabbed a banana to take with me. We walked about a mile when we came up to a few cottages we hadn't seen yesterday.

"Oh, more houses. Cool." Will dead panned.

Shadow laughed and said, "Not just houses. There's certain people I would like you to meet."

He stopped in front of a small two story cottage. It looked like it was right out of a fairy tale. It was two toned, a brown and tan color. The gardens around it were gorgeous, so green and colorful. There was a lake right behind it too, which was surprisingly not frozen in this chilly weather. A woman walked from the front door which was practically hidden behind plants. She was an older woman, with graying hair and wrinkles at her eyes and forehead. She had a bohemian sense of style in her long red skirt and matching red vest. Underneath the vest she wore a tan long sleeve shirt. Her blue eyes looked just like Shadow's and I looked back at him curiously.

He had the largest smile on his face as he said, "Lily, meet my great aunt Lorelai."

Ava whispered, "You're a witch."

"And so are you." She had a beautiful smile and a friendly voice. Which was unusual for a witch, even Ava was always snippy. "Not to mention you are the spitting image of your grandmother."

I turned to Ava just as her face fell in shock.

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