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The next two days were just as draining. I only saw Ava at breakfast, but everyone else was out on the training grounds day in and out. Everyone was putting in their all, preparing for the upcoming battle. Shane was delayed on his journey so he was due to arrive with his men early the next morning. I was happy knowing our numbers would be more evenly matched with his men joining the fray. 

Cady was a surprise, she caught on rather fast and was kicking boys butt’s in no time. Drew was a natural. I could see why he had been chosen to help protect the alpha family. Will was obvious, he didn’t even have to try; he was twice as strong as any wolf here. He hadn’t fought Damon, but I honestly wasn’t sure who would win. Will was strong, but Damon was an alpha. While I’d like to say I gave Damon a run for his money, that would be an exaggeration. He didn’t even break a sweat when we sparred. He would pin me immediately and then give me a lesson on being quicker, smarter, more cunning. I decided it was time I tried my talents on someone else. Maybe a warrior was more my speed.

I saw Tom running a lap and decided he would be a great wolf to learn from as he had experience fighting an actual vampire. I jogged up next to him and said, “Wanna spar?”

He looked at me and I couldn’t help but notice the slight agitation in his stare. “Little girl, I don’t want to hurt you.”

I scoffed. “Hurt me? Yeah right.”

He rolled his eyes and said, “Fine. I guess I don’t have a choice.”

We ran to an open area, then he turned to face me. He stood no more than five feet from me. “I know you killed Alpha Erik. I also know that you didn’t actually have to fight him. You understand, little girly, that this battle isn’t going to be like that. It will be long and draining, way worse than training has been. You won’t have the element of surprise. You will have to face everything head on.” At this point he started circling and I followed his lead. I watched him intently. But he walked around me like a teacher in a classroom instead of the fighting grounds. “I know you are supposed to be some strong alpha female, and I guess I shouldn’t discount your abilities, but so far, I have just seen you being thrown around by my young alpha. Who by the way isn’t even using half of his strength. Vampires may not be as strong as he, but they are stronger than the force he is using on you.”

It was at that moment he took both palms and pushed me hard against my chest. He sent me flying back five feet. I landed with a thud on my back. Before I could question anything he was on top of me. Then he pretended to bite my neck.

“You’re dead.” is all he said before getting off of me. It was at this moment I noticed Damon walking over angrily.

I stood and yelled to him, “If you cannot handle watching this you must leave. I need real life scenarios so I don’t die on the battlefield. He stopped about fifty feet away from us. Then, with a huff, he turned on his heel and headed toward the indoor training facility. 

Tom laughed, “Love sick puppy.”

“So, you just told me that I wouldn’t be able to surprise the vampires, but you used a sneak attack on me.”

“Rule number one. Vampires lie.”

“What’s rule number two?”

He grabbed my wrist and twirled me, then he pulled my back to his chest and bit down on my neck a little harder than the last time. “Rule number two is always be ready.”

He let me go and I was a little defeated. How could I kill vampires if I couldn’t win one training round? But I wasn’t ready to give up. I thought about what he said and I kept my eyes on him. He didn’t move, he didn’t come at me. He stood staring at me for a few minutes. I didn’t want to attack first. I knew he was waiting for me to do that. 

Her Prophecy: Not His LunaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang