
I was still thinking of my impromptu make out session with Shane as I walked into my room. I tried to get my mind off of it, but I just couldn’t. What did it mean? When I left the mall my heart wanted Caleb. But now? Now my body was screaming for Shane.

I decided to take a cold shower. The water hit my body like little ice cubes, but I almost didn’t mind. The shower gave me time to think.  Shane was a great alpha. He cared for his pack and his pack had respect for him. He may be a little old fashioned when it came to the roles. Especially when it came to females, but maybe that’s why we were perfect. I could show him that females are capable. We can do anything we set our minds to. Maybe I could see it working with Shane.

Then I thought of Caleb. He had a genuine interest in me. He didn’t hide his emotions from me, he wore them like a badge of honor. I knew I could be happy with him. I knew we could make it work no matter what.

But what if I was wrong? Lorelai had said if I chose wrong someone would die. Did that only apply to Shadow? Was she just messing with me? Did she have an ulterior motive for saying these things? I wasn’t sure of anything at this moment. But I was pretty sure I didn’t want to take any chances. I had to put in the work. I had to give all these alphas a chance.

Then I remembered the book that Shane had given me. It was sitting on the nightstand. I decided to read it over. Maybe there would be some helpful hints inside of it.


The book was useless. I read it practically the whole night and it read the same way Caleb told it, with a few extra useless details. This so-called prophecy couldn't be more vague. I didn't get it. Ava's visions were clear as day. She could see minute details as if she were watching it on the tv. So why couldn't her ancestor do the same? Something felt off about it. I was about to pick the book back up just to see if there was something I could have possibly missed when my door swung open and Ava walked in.

"I did it."

"You did what?"

"I broke through."

"Melinda?" She smiled and nodded. "Well?"

Will was coming up behind her still putting his t-shirt on. "This better be good. I was having the best dream."

Ava couldn't contain herself. "Melinda's definitely at Wild Fang. She's been there for a while, too. It seems she has all her stuff there. I saw her pacing in her room. It was a bit strewn about. I think she was looking for something."

Will interjected, "Wait you broke through?"

I rolled my eyes, "Keep up!"

Ava said, "So it seems Fabian has been lying about his involvement with the witches. He knew what Erik was planning the whole time."

I furrowed my brow and thought for a moment. Then I said, "What if Erik wasn't involved at all? What if Fabian devised this whole plan with the witches and we just assumed it was Erik calling the shots?"

Ava was puzzled.

Will said, "I don't know. Fabian isn't really the smartest alpha."

"No, but he is an alpha. And maybe he knew he needed somebody on his side."

Ava finished my thought, "Someone more powerful so he could stand a chance with you."

"But it still doesn't make sense. What do the witches get in return? Why would they help Fabian of all people?" Will made a good point.

Ava responded, "I'm not sure. I'll keep digging and let you know what I find."

With that she left my room.

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