
"Wow mom, yet another person running from your insufferable attitude." Lily had only run out a minute or two before and my mother just sat there staring in shock.

"Enough, Cadence." There was a tinge of hurt in her voice.

I looked at her, though, and her face was stoic. Goddess forbid she ever show any emotion. My whole life had been like this. My mother pushed everyone around us until they broke. Then she turned her sights on me. Telling me what to wear, and how to speak, and who I should marry. It was enough to push any kid to want to leave.

"Why? Because I'm right?" I couldn’t help the irritation in my voice. My mother always knew how to bring it out of me.

She didn't say a word. She just walked into the dressing room and then toward the register. I slumped my shoulders at her in shock. She didn't get to be the one to walk away. So, I rolled my eyes and stomped toward the exit.

Lily had only come out here like five minutes ago, but somehow she was nowhere to be seen. Then I noticed Drew walk out the door behind me. I had completely forgotten he was there.

"Wow, I know you're obsessed with me, but you don't actually have to follow me like a puppy dog."

He gave me a smile, "You should take it easy on your mom."

I furrowed my brow at him. He may not be my mate, but he was the closest thing I had to a best friend. He was usually on my side about these things.

"Oh come on. You know how she is."

He led us to a nearby bench as he said, "Yeah I know. But in her own way she's just trying to do what she thinks is best for you."

"And Lily?"

"She's overcompensating. Since Lily's been here, you have not said one nice thing about her or the pack." I looked at him with a little embarrassment on my face. "You know appearances mean a lot to her."

"Yeah that's all she cares about."

"No. That's where you're wrong. She cares way too much about how others perceive her, but she loves you and your brother more than she'll ever say."

"I know she loves me in her own way, but the fact that she can't say it or show it in any sort of way is beyond annoying."

"My dad said her parents were worse than she ever was."

"Maybe. I know my grandpa was a warrior like you. He was supposedly the best. Top of his class, led all the battles."

"And then he died in battle."

"My mom had just turned. They had announced she was to be the future Luna and a neighboring pack's alpha had decided he was the best and went to war with us."

"I know the story. My dad tells it to me at least once a year. It was one of his first wars. He was devastated that he couldn't save your grandpa."

"Your dad is a great wolf."

"Yeah he really is. And he told me that there's more to your mom's story than what we see."

I didn't respond. He was probably right. My mom was so closed off it would take a jackhammer to open her up. But how was that my problem? Why should I be the one to coddle her? I was the child, at some point shouldn't she want a better relationship with me? Shouldn't she be the one to try harder?

"She is right about one thing." His statement pulled me out of my internal monologue as I looked at him with my brow furrowed. "We would be great together."

"Ha!" I punched his bicep. "Yeah right!"

He grabbed my chin and turned my face to look at him. He was serious. "Cady. You are gorgeous and spontaneous and smart. Being with you would be like being mated to my best friend and I honestly couldn't imagine anything better."

I smiled at him. I would be lying if I said I hadn't thought about it. I mean besides the fact that Drew was strong and would be a great provider, he was my best friend and I trusted him more than I trusted anyone. Plus he was nice to look at, but that wasn't enough for me.

I cupped his face, "Drew. You know I love you. But I want to find my mate. I want that feeling of being whole. Of being with the one who makes me who I am supposed to be. And I want that for you too."

"I'm twenty three now. I've been around quite a few females. If I haven't found my mate by now, I probably won't ever find her. And I'm ok with that. I just want you to know that if you don't find him or he isn't everything you ever wanted, I'll be here for you. Always."

I kissed him on the cheek and rested my head on his shoulder. He grabbed my hand and we sat like that for a while. He was the only one I ever felt comfortable enough to open up to.

A moment later my mother and Lawrence appeared. She seemed to brighten at Drew's and my close proximity. I immediately stood. I couldn't have her get any ideas about the situation. With his back to them Drew gave me a wicked smile like he knew exactly why I stood up.

"Did you find the alpha female?" Lawrence spoke like a military man. He was tall, like six foot two, and rigid. It's probably because he spent so much time around my mother. He was almost fifteen years younger than her, but he had started getting a salt and pepper hair color. It actually looked really sexy on him though.

Just then I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I turned to see Ava holding a paper bag. I could see something sharp trying to poke through, but I wasn't sure what it was. "What about the alpha female?"

I replied, "My mom laid it on thick and scared her away."

Drew was now standing, facing Lawrence as if he were his commander. And I suppose he sort of was. Lawrence ran the guard when he wasn't babysitting my mother.

"Gamma." He nodded before he continued and I rolled my eyes, "I'm sorry. I haven't looked yet. I wanted to make sure Cady was alright." Lawrence looked between us before nodding his approval.

Then Ava spoke up, "She's still in the mall. Walking right now. She's with someone. Someone powerful."

Drew looked at Lawrence and he nodded. The two of them were deathly serious. They looked as if they were going to shift right here.

Then Ava said, "She's fine though. No need to run after her. She's not in distress at all."

The men looked at her with confused expressions.

I couldn't help myself, "So do you know who she's with?"

She turned to me unsure of how to respond. Similarly to my mother she was pretty unreadable. I wasn't sure if she didn't know or just didn't want to say.

Her Prophecy: Not His LunaWhere stories live. Discover now