I stared at Ophelia with my mouth wide open. Even though it was the answer I was expecting, even though I knew it from the start, hearing her speak the words sent me spiraling.

Gone was the jealousy, or the heat I felt for him, and in its place was anguish. I thought of this poor girl having spent the last few days watching her mate court someone else, knowing all along who he was.

I tried to form a question but couldn’t find the words, “When…”

“I found out on my sixteenth birthday. So, 4 years ago. My wolf was ecstatic to have found him so quickly. And for a brief moment he seemed happy. Unfortunately, his mother was standing nearby and heard me speak the word mate. She told me that that couldn't be possible, that you were his mate. That we would all see. We would all be blessed to have the alpha female leading our pack alongside her son.”

I finally found my voice, “And what did Shane say?”

“He looked angry. Or hurt. Sometimes I think he looked ashamed.” I think she may be right. The way Shane had reacted when I suggested it told me he didn't want it to be true.

“I don't get it, though. According to the prophecy, you guys shouldn't know you are mates until I choose. Do you feel the bond completely?”

She nodded. “My wolf howls for him. I have felt the tingles on the rare occasion our hands have brushed. And sometimes I think he feels them too.” She paused before looking at me anxiously. “Do you feel the mate bond with him?”

“I'm not sure. There are times it's so present. As if he were my mate. Then it's like…” I paused briefly trying to find a way to explain. “Well it's like nothing. Right now, I should be jealous. I should want to fight for him, but I just feel … sad.”

“Don't feel sad for me.” I looked into Ophelia's pleading eyes. “But don't hurt him. He may not want me, he may be totally in love with you. But, I would rather see him happy with you than spend the rest of his life with a broken heart.”

A stray tear fell down Ophelia's cheek. I didn't know what else to say to her. This was exactly what I wanted to hear. But now that I had, I was feeling sick to my stomach. And as I pondered further a thought popped into my head. Was Ophelia the only one? Or were there other females who were feeling the mate bond and being denied their mate? There was so much more to this prophecy than that book had said. If it was wrong about this, what else could it be wrong about?

I left Ophelia's home feeling uncertain. This must mean that Shane was not my mate. But could I be one hundred percent certain about that? My head began to ache. And to be honest so did my heart.

I returned to the pack house unsure of my next move. I sniffed the air and luckily Shane wasn't nearby. I tried my best to run up the stairs, I didn't want to speak with anyone. But I wasn't quick enough.

“Oh Lily dear!” Came Florence's voice from the dining room. “Where are you running off to? I would love it if you would have some tea with me.”

Tea sounded nice. Tea with Florence after I had just found out about Shane and Ophelia sounded like the last thing on the planet that I would want to do.

“Please Lily?” The tone of her voice changed. She really sounded sincere for a moment. I looked toward the dining room and then back at the top of the stairs before I decided to hear poor Florence out.

When I reached the table Florence was sitting with an ornate, antique tea set. She began pouring the tea into the two cups that were on the tray. Florence sat at the head of the table and I took the seat next to her.

She gracefully handed me the cup before speaking, “Milk and sugar are here if you would like.”

“Thank you.” I didn't use it in my tea, but I took the small spoon and swirled it around my cup anyway.

Her Prophecy: Not His LunaWhere stories live. Discover now