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Sabrina Barre

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Sabrina Barre

The upcoming football match was the only other topic on people's minds during the week.

Tendai told me that coach had informed them that the match was against Rocky High School. His former high school.

He was so excited because this meant he was going to see his former classmates and his friends Grant, Roe and Tyler.

I was unenthusiastic about this news but I didn't want to disappoint him. The school soccer team needed the goalkeeper to be cheerful so I decided to be a team player in achieving this.

"Grant is a goal keeper of the team so I am competing against my friend," he said.

Were there two goalkeepers while you were at Rocky?

"No, Grant joined the team after I was expelled," he said. Turns out he's a pretty good goalkeeper.

Many students were looking forward to attending the match.

"I heard that the boys at that school are cute," Eloise said. I am not invited to the party though, it's only the cool kids going.

She sighed loudly.

You can come with me Eloise, I am the girlfriend of the goalkeeper, no one will bat an eye.

She screamed.

"Thank you," she said .

I heard Mae telling off certain students who had expectations about going to the party that losers weren't invited. I wish this was my party, I would invite everyone.

Mae had morphed into a mean person. The football team was throwing this party so I had no control over who comes and goes.

The party was at Dennis's house. Dennis was the captain of the football team.

I bought a jersey of our school football team and had them put Tendai's name at the back of it.

Tendai asked me on Friday night to give Tyler and Roe company in the stands during the game and also show them around. I agreed to sit with them in the stands but refused to show them around the school.

"Fine, I know how you feel about them. I will give them a quick tour before the start of the match," he said.

Mom dropped me at School on Saturday evening. Soren was not a fan of soccer so he stayed home.

In the parking lot there were many students. Many were dressed in the school jerseys. Some were chanting support for the school team and others were drinking beer openly.

Mom looked at them disapprovingly. "Addie, I hope you don't engage in that," she said.

She drove away. I went and joined Eloise. She had painted her face with the school colors.

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