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Siobhan Nilsson

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Siobhan Nilsson

Kemi, Liz , Raven and Andrew sat alone on a table during lunch. Kemi, Liz and Raven were now the outcasts of the school. Nobody wanted to be seen with them.

Hey, Midnight, I hope Cupcake's dad loses the election. "We shall see how he will be able to show off without his father's power," Kemi said.

If I were you, Kemi, I would worry about my mom's sentence because she is going to be gone for a very long time.

Kemi frowned.

How is your brother, Addie? Ricin can really do a lot of damage, as you've seen.

I lunged onto Kemi and began hitting her.

"Get off her," Liz shouted.

Raven lifted me off Kemi. Andrew held Kemi to end the fight.

"I know it's you who ordered the attack!" I shouted.

Leave me and my family alone. I hope your mom gets life imprisonment for attempted murder.

"You think me and my family will allow you to do that to her," Kemi yelled. Mom got those burns when she was living in Somalia when she was younger. Go and look for the real acid attacker and leave my mom alone.

People had abandoned their food and had surrounded us. They were listening to us keenly.

"Addie, leave her alone," Tendai chimed in. She is not worth your time. "That's rich coming from you, Tendai, the boy who dated two sisters," Kemi said.

"Kemi, don't act like you acknowledge her now, you knew that she was your sister but still treated her like she was your enemy," Tendai said. "Addie, did he tell you that he dated Reina Thingz and broke her heart?" Kemi asked. Her beautiful breakup songs are about him.

Kemi smiled. She thought she had dropped a bombshell. She didn't know that I knew about Tendai and Reina. Tendai was shocked that Kemi knew about him and Reina. I heard students whisper about the news.

"I was a good girlfriend to you but you hurt me just like you did Reina," she said.

Kemi thought that she and Reina had gone through a similar experience with him. This was false.

"Comparing yourself with Reina is an insult to her," Tendai said. She and Addie are more woman than you will ever be.

Those words hurt Kemi because she did something shocking next. She managed to shake off Andrew and hit Tendai hard on the face. Next she began scratching him with her sharp nails. He didn't defend himself. I got free of Raven and pushed her off Tendai. She turned her attention to me.

"Addie, you will die before we complete our finals, I promise you that," she said.

Am glad you've said that out loud in front of the school. Now everybody knows you've threatened my life. When I die, the police will investigate you.

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