Bend The Rules

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It's 3 am.

Nate is fast asleep. I hear him breathing heavily, not quite a snore, but I can tell he is completely relaxed now and in a deep sleep. I scarred the poor guy for life, I just know it.

For a good fifteen minutes, he tried to get me "to remember" my dream to tell him. I played like I couldn't, but of course I could. It plays on a constant loop in my head.

I think he knew I just didn't want to talk about it. He gave up the fight after a while but still continued to console me. He was genuinely caring for me, making sure I was ok. He didn't run out the door once I woke up. He stayed. We never let go from our hug, and out of complete exhaustion, I felt Nate drift off.

He didn't sign up for this.

Slowly, I shimmy out of his arms. Unconscious, he rolls over to his side with a sigh. His hair fell in his face. His unshaven jaw pushes into the pillow a little more as he tries to get comfortable. I glance at his right arm, resting on the side of his body. Red marks all around up where his t-shirt sleeve ends. I can't believe I did that. I must have been holding on so tight. I lean over Nate just a little and push his brown locks away from his eyes without waking him. He looks so peaceful right now and I notice I'm staring at him, watching him sleep.

There's no way I'm falling back asleep. I'm up for good now regardless of it being the middle of the night. I also don't want to wake the sleeping man in my bed with the light of the TV or my phone. I can't just sit here in silence in the dark. All I will end up doing is running through the facts in my head, and that is actually worse than my dreams.

Changing out of my previous attire and into a pair of black leggings, a T-shirt, and sneakers. I grab the book I borrowed from the hotel office area and a key. Before quietly leaving the room, I glance in the mirror. My eyes are still slightly swollen, along with my lips from crying. There's nothing I can do about it right now. I run my fingers through my hair and exit the room.

I just need a place with a little light to read. I know next to the lobby there's a large sitting area, with a fireplace, TV, a few chairs and tables and two couches. But how am I going to bypass the lobby to get there? I haven't seen James since... earlier. After the night I've had, I'm not sure I can handle seeing him now. Especially with my swollen mess of a face. His shift is the overnight shift. I know he's still working.

Bite the bullet, Julia. You still have many hours ahead of you .

The elevator doors open, and I get out, slowly heading down the hall to the dreaded lobby. My heart beats a little quicker, and I start to feel anxious.


I swivel to the voice behind me. Coming out of a supply closet, holding a pack of printer paper is James. Without looking directly at me, he leans in a little to talk quietly.

"What are you doing down here? You're not sleep walking, are you? The kitchen's closed Ma'am." He jokes with a smirk, straightens his back, and walks away from me back to the front desk. Still never making eye contact.

I can't help but feel a slight smile on my face. Nothing seems awkward. It's still the same joke cracking Zac Efron. I let out a sigh of relief and follow him, glad to have someone to entertain me. He doesn't really have a choice now, though, does he? His shift isn't over. His back is turned away as he fidgets with the printer. He must sense I'm still standing around. Continuing to load the paper, he starts chatting.

"So what brings you down here anyways, " Back turned to me still, "You get bored with your boyfriend already?"

"What? He's not -" I start but quickly get interrupted with the man clearly having issues with the printer, pressing random buttons while also trying to hold a conversation. His back straightens, and I can tell he's looking straight ahead at the wall or something.

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