Way Down We Go

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"Hey there." The familiar voice says soothingly.

I look around the bright room. James is sitting next to my hospital bed holding my hand.

"Where's Nate??" I try to jump up but instantly feel lightheaded. I hold my head and fall back down on the the pillow. "James. Where's Nate?" My eyes anxiously dart around the room in confusion.

"He's in surgery. They're repairing  a GI tear in his stomach from all the drinking.  He'll be ok, though." He squeezes my hand and pushes my hair away from my face. My  heart drops and eyes widen at the news. A tear in Nate's stomach? The whiskey burned a fricken hole in his stomach from all that drinking.  I knew he drank a lot, especially lately, but enough to cause internal damage?

 I feel something uncomfortable tugging  on my left hand. Lifting it I see my hand  has an IV in it. 

"What happened?" I hold the side of my aching head with my right hand, still confused at what's going on.

"You went into shock. I think all the commotion..." James doesn't finish his sentence and looks exhausted. This is not how tonight was supposed to go. Not on his birthday.  Not any day.

I see a band aid on my arm and my eyes widen even more. No....

"James!" I whisper loudly, now in full panic mode. "Did they do bloodwork??"

"Probably. Why?" James squints his eyes at my question, giving me a confused look. I start crying. "Babe, what's the matter? Nate will be fine."

"Oh my God. I need to leave!" I try to sit up again but I'm too weak. James scrambles a little at my sudden movement and  holds on to my shoulder.

"Julia... lay down."

"They're gonna see all the pills I took last night, James!! And the wine I had at your mother's house!" I freak out. "What's gonna happen?"

"Probably nothing. Just be honest with them. I think you'd  be covered under HIPAA law and labs would stay confidential. It'd be different if you had a warrant out for your arrest or something." He smirks at me.

 "You don't do you??" He turns it into a joke to lighten things up, because he's James.

I give him a dirty look. Now is not the time.

"We can find other ways to use handcuffs without needing a warrant, baby." He whispers in my ear and winks at me.

I roll my eyes right before a nurse comes in.

"My gosh. Only Nate Hollan can  cause this much attention. His fans are certainly... persistent. They really think they're gonna get an autograph tonight?" She shakes her head. Another nurse follows behind. They are obviously friends and both frustrated with the situation.

"Jesus!  Is someone calling in more security? It's getting crazy out there. I thought we were done with this!" 

This has already hit the news, hasn't it? Poor Nate has no privacy. Now everyone knows he's in surgery. What are they saying? Do they know about his alcohol  problem now? My mind races and I start crying again.

"Give her another Ativan." One says to the other.

"Ativan?" James looks up at the nurses and they both notice the sudden surprise.

"Don't worry sweetie. It's just to calm  her down a little. She went into shock."

"Wait. How much has she had??" James stands up and I continue crying. The two nurses look at each other confused.


"Can I talk to you in the hall?" James doesn't make eye contact with me now.

"Wait! James, no!!" I figure out what he's gonna do. He's gonna tell them I already have a bunch in my system. I know he's just trying to look out for me and be honest so I don't overdose but none of this looks good. James completely ignores me and they all walk out to the hall.

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