Save Tonight

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I know exactly where Trish put my car keys . This has happened before. We both pull out of the studio parking lot together. Once I see Julia is following two cars behind me, I order a variety of food to be delivered while driving, knowing my fridge is currently only stocked with booze. Frequently looking back to make sure her rental car is behind me, and hoping she isn't having second thoughts and decides to turn the car around and drive off.

My apartment is just a few blocks away but it's almost 6:30pm and the evening traffic we are now currently sitting in is fucking horrendous. It starts raining which bites even more because Julia has to park her car in a garage around the corner and walk.

I dial Julia's number and turn on my Bluetooth so I can be hands free, and watch her from my rear view mirror. I can tell she sees my number pop up and looks at me through the mirror confused. I raise an eyebrow at her waiting for her to answer. She rolls her eyes at me and picks up.

"May I help you?" Her voice fills my car.

"What are you wearing ?" I joke.

I'm looking right at her through the mirror as she shakes her head and hangs up on me. I can't help but laugh and call her back. She keeps me waiting before finally answering.


"I just want to hear your voice" I flirt. "You have a sexy voice."
Which , truth be told, she does.

"Do I now..."

"Talk dirty to me" I flirt.

"Your insane... " She beeps obnoxiously at me making me laugh harder and everyone look out way.

"You know, that's just going to draw attention to us more, Princess."

"It doesn't affect ME much, but you... Mr. Hollan, you may not want your name all over the tabloids again tomorrow morning."

Ouch, She went there.

"Mood killer." I get in before she hangs up on me. Again.



Waiting for the elevator I suddenly have a feeling maybe this isn't a great idea. My brain is spinning in circles. I have a pit in my stomach. So much is running through my mind as I wait. I notice I'm fidgeting with my hands and shove them in my jacket pocket.

Why the hell do elevators take so long!
Right as I think that, the door opens and I'm standing there, still debating.

Go in Jules. For crying out loud.

When the door is about to close I go in and punch in his number. Top floor.

The doors don't open.

I wait.

I press his number again and jump a mile when I hear a buzzing sound.

"May I help you? " Nate mimics through an intercom I didn't even notice. Because I was already sleeping when Nate took me up to his place I didn't know any of this stuff. I went to the garage to wait for his driver this morning. Apparently when you're a celebrity in these flats people have to be buzzed in to visit. Makes sense.

"Hmm, I guess not. I guess I'll just go to a different floor..."

I immediately here a loud buzz and the elevator door opens to Nate standing in front of me. In his grey plaid pants and dark green polo shirt, the collar unbuttoned, as always. Smiling . Looking sexy as hell. He knows it too.

What the hell am I doing?

I walk into his apartment and hear the elevator door shut behind me. Nate steps forward and brings me in for a hug I wasn't prepared for, but he's not all over me like usual. He's trying to hold back and make the night a real date.

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