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Few months has passed since the last event. However this time they didn't give each other the silent treatment, they were just on neutral terms with each other. In these months Charlie has gotten super busy ever since, she managed to get several new sinners that wants redemption, she was happy and tired from running the hotel.

Lucifer, every night has been hugging the big duck plush and the specific rubber duck Alastor have won in the carnival ( If you guys remember- ) and silently missing him, while laying down on his bed. Alastor has been bothering Rosie every weekend to complain about how much he missed the king and how much he wanted him back.

Rosie was getting fed up at this point " Alastor like I've told you, be patient, he will come around " she said as she angrily sip her tea " Rosie, my darling it's been two months since then, how long do I have to wait? " He asked, Rosie took a deep breath " Alastor, I am so done with you right now, if you want him so bad, why don't you make the first move? " she said.

Alastor's ears perked up " Why I should! Thanks for the lovely advice Rosie but I must depart! " he said as he stood up, he gave Rosie a back hug before he let go, turned into a shadow and disappeared. Rosie smiled as he left, she then thought " I feel like that's gonna cause a major issue " She shrugged it off.  " Eh, not my problem "

He appears at the kitchen where coincidentally Lucifer was walking in. " Oh? Good afternoon Al " he greeted " Why good afternoon to you too, what brings you here? " he greeted before he asked. Lucifer made his way to the refrigerator " I was hungry so I'm looking for a snack " he picked out some muffins " You want some? " The king asked.

" No thanks, but now that you are here. Can we talk about something? " Alastor tilted his head to the side. " Sure " he replied being slightly muffled as his mouth was stuffed with muffins.

" I want our deal back " He said, the king shallowed the muffin before he shook his head " No no- wait what deal? " he was hoping that it wasn't the accidentally marriage one " The marriage deal " oh to the kings surprise, Alastor indeed wanted that deal again.

" You mean the healer and you acting like a father to Charlie? We don't have to create a deal for that, I'd still help you and you can still be a father to Char-char no biggie " The king said brushing the conversation off. " I want the ring back " The radio demon demanded.

Lucifer chucked " Ha! That's funny " " No I actually want my ring back " Alastor replied being slightly annoyed the king thought he was joking " Yeah and I am tall " he said sarcastically " I'm gonna go " the king said summoning a portal behind him as he walked back " No! You stay there, don't follow me " he shouted at the Radio demon that wanted to follow him. The portal disappeared along with Lucifer. Alastor stood there with his eyebrows furrowed, he wasn't done talking.

A few days passed, the king ignored his presence and was hiding on his room. This did not please the Radio demon, so he quickly turned into a shadow and bothered the king " It's quite rude to ignore someone, Duckie " Lucifer got startled by the sudden radio voice before he frowned.

" What do you want Deer? " He asked folding his arms together. " I want to make a deal with you " the king scoffed " No thanks " he said waving his hands dismissively. Then a black tentacle held the king's ankle together and it flip him upside " Woah! Seriously??? " he shouted. " Come on Lucifer, give me my darn ring back "

Lucifer turned into a snake to escape, Alastor quickly noticed and trapped the snake by wrapping it with tentacles. Annoyedly Lucifer turned back to normal " Why the fuck do you want it back anyways? " he asked struggling to get off the tentacles before he gave up, the deer responded with " I just want to "

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