Chapter 21 - The Middleman

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The receptionist welcomed Ravi and Sid with a warm smile. As they stepped into the seminar hall, they caught sight of fans and followers of the author. Awe spread across their faces to see an incredible fan following of an author. As they were passing by, some copies of books were set up on the table. Sid caught a glimpse of it and took hold of one copy. The fragrance of pages seeped into his nostrils, as he pulls open the book.

Skimming over some random pages, which read: Generally, people think India to be a secular country. But there are so many riots that took place in India, which was suppressed by the media. In 1947 when the partition of India occurred there was a heartrending massacre. Corpses were lying on the ground like that of dead street dogs. It's not that only India has these problems. 9/11 and 26/11, such appalling terrorist attacks are proven evils of religions. Anyway, let it be because blind faith reigns over logic and rationality. If God gives me one among two options, whether to eradicate rape or religion from this world I'll choose to abolish religion.

The piercing sound of mic rushed in Sid's ears that lead him to broke his concentration off the book. He closed the book and kept the book as it is on the table. He headed towards seats and sat on the right side chair from Ravi's position.

White light erupted from a projector's lens and flashed straight on the white stainless screen. It was set up for the PPT presentation about the new book. Nitin Kushwa, the author, within the twinkling of an eye, reached to his place at the podium.

"Dumm Dumm Dumm" sound pierced everyone's ears as he tapped on the mic to check its connectivity, and plugged in the USB cable in his Laptop. He glanced at his audience for a few seconds. Then clearing his throat, he began his talk. "Do you know how much an average software engineer's savings from his ten-year earnings could be? Probably around three to four million rupees. Do you know how much a corrupt politician's savings from his ten-year earnings could be? About four hundred to five hundred million rupees."

He stopped to see people's astonished reactions. "Now imagine how much savings spiritual leaders in India have. One very famous Indian spiritual leader, his ten-year savings were thirty-seven million dollars only." Everyone laughed their head off in amazement.

"Another very famous Indian spiritual leader, his ten-year savings were one-eighty-six million dollars only." Everyone's laughter raised a bit louder than previous one. "Another very popular Indian spiritual leader, his ten-year savings were six-three-four million dollars only. I think we should choose our career carefully, isn't it?"

Unable to hold their tummies, everyone burst out into laughter. They were dumbstruck by the facts, looking at each other with awe. Nitin waited for his listeners to digest those points and then continued his discourse. A little later, he paused for a while and order for a glass of water. Within a minute a man came with a glass of water. He drank it and began again. While the audience was keenly waiting for him to start again, the contents of his book flashed on the white screen. Since his book was a caricature of Indian spiritual leaders, it has chapters exposing them.

1) One who keeps you on the level of fear. 2) One who exploit you with money. 3) One who misinterprets the words of God. 4) One who never walks his talk. 5) One who roams in lavish cars and has immense material possession. 6) One who calls himself God. 7) Temples built by them are not for spiritual solace, but for their business.

Sid immediately took out a notebook from his bag and started scribbling something on it. The author completed his talk and informed all that there would be Q/A session. Sid swiftly moved towards the washroom in haste. Being wholly overawed, he entered and began exclaiming, "Incredible! Awesome! Miraculous! Marvelous!"

At that time Ravi was also in the washroom, using the toilet. He heard it was Sid's voice, he came out and looked at him bewilderingly. Interrupting his surprise, he walked towards him and inquired, "You liked his seminar?"

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