Now I Carry Mace

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  I am a young female and I live in a very very small town. We have a historic district (about 8 blocks) which is an OK side of town with older homes, although this isn't necessarily a great neighbourhood. I have always felt safe in this town.

I am driving my car in the historic area of town, its 3 am and I had finished a night of hanging out with some friends from high school. My window is cracked and I hear someone yelling, and since I grew up here and know EVERYONE, so I slow down to see what's up assuming it's one of my friends. As I slow down, a tall, man begins to sprint towards my car out of nowhere and reaches for the handle. He literally jumped out from between two parked cars. I instantly know this is not my friend. I panic.

I don't have power locking doors, and my arms aren't long enough to reach across in time. I floor the car and speed off, running a red light. Town is generally deserted, especially this late. Although, I see an elderly woman stopped at a stop sign about a block away, and he is running towards her car. Fearing for the worst, I attempt to warn her and I get on the nearby interstate and call 911. They say they are sending an officer.
I saw the same man riding a bike outside of my house about 10 days later after I got off work. I live about 6 or 7 miles and about 2 miles from any main roads. This really freaks me out. I check the paper and online as any police reports, checks, and arrests are posted. None were posted for the night I had called. It's typical for the police to be of little help here.

Hopefully we never meet again.  

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