Waste Of Time

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Intro segment of the story. I'm 22 at the moment but I was round about 16 when this all began. I'm male an at the time quite naive, idiotic and mentally unstable.

I have been and still am socially inept I have never really felt any great urge to connect with people, that maybe due to where I live and those who are around me. I do enjoy being alone but at times it can be a pleasant change to have company and form some kind of friendship.

So I being the young fool that I was decided to go on a site called Immortal Night which is like a word role play vampire an werewolf game. I can honestly say from my experiences on that revolting site that a great number of the people on there are like those who our stories are about.

I had no idea who I was really talking to yet I still continued to do so. My life was incredibly dull and so learning about another individual or group was quite interesting to me.

Most incidents involved "girls" (probably disgusting 40 year old men with their dick in one hand an a sock in the other) They would go on about their problems. How they were abused by some relative, friend or stranger. Rape, suicide attempts etc etc.

I used to be quite a trusting, caring person. Never really thought that anyone would lie about such in the hope of getting attention an to drag someone under for no apparent reason other than for joy and some sort of satisfaction they were never given.

I doubt that these were their real names but I still refuse to use them just in case, fate has a way with me in which once I have been bitch slapped, some time later the back of said hand comes back, leaving a stinging reminder.

Beth was the first girl I talked to on that site. We got along quite well and had some kind of relationship (aww young pathetic love, how hopeless?) Beth eventually told me that she was beaten and raped by her ex. (I can be sympathetic but never really know if it is true)

She then went on to tell me her parents had died and how she was taking care of her brother while living with a friend's family. I also got to know Beth's friend who we shall name Louise.

Of course I was pissed off that this happened to them and was protective. An so being the twit I was thought about how I would deal with this ex when I came across him. What I found odd was how they then quickly said he had died in some car crash. So I kept on being supportive an talking them about their day.

I broke up with Beth for a lot of reasons none of them were pleasant. You would think I would stop and just leave it all but my mind was not as it should be. Upon breaking up with Beth she would go on about how she would kill herself if I left her. (Never did but I still remain hopeful)

So I got to know Louise more. She was a fun person to be around. Would tell a lot of jokes wasn't the kind of emo. "Where nobody likes me, Everybody hates me, fulla lala". Then shit got weird, well more than usual. She got pregnant, the usual teenage drinking an not knowing who the father is kind of deal.

I said I would be there for her when she needed me. (Really was an idiot) My life was already going the same way as faecal matter down a sewage pipe but I still soldiered on being a good friend. Couple of months later she had a miscarriage an got over it way to quickly.

They would keep trying to message me but I cut ties with them completely. Messages mainly coincided of sob stories and how they needed me to be there for them. (Err nope, one thing to help someone deal with their shit quite another to carry it around wherever you go) I basically started to get depressed and really tired just didn't want to do anything. Wasn't taking care of myself either which was silly of me.

Oh this the fun part. I began to have really bad schizophrenia. Got into a another relationship with a girl on the site. Her name shall be Jennifer. Our relationship went on for several months, everything was good and I was feeling a bit better.

One day I got a message from her brother who went on tell me that Jennifer was in hospital. A drunk guy at the bar she worked at didn't like the fact that she had told him off and so raped her when she was about to get in her car.

Our relationship had gone on for a long time so I thought this was genuine. Why would you just come out of the blue about it? So further down the line, Jennifer found out she was pregnant with the guy's baby and her brother had been arrested for killing the guy responsible (he was ex military dishonourably discharged).

Jennifer lived in America and I England. I was hoping to go see her, be there for and also try to be a father to the child to. (I really did love this woman, I know I'm an idiot) So about six to seven months down the line. Jennifer was in hospital, there was problems with her baby.

It was dead inside the womb, strangled by the umbilical cord. I talked to her after everything had happened she wasn't the same at all. Then I got a lecture and threatened by her brother that if I left. He would find and kill me.

So I continued to talk to her despite the fact that my life was going to hell around me. Biological dad back into the picture who ruined the lives of my siblings and I when we were kids. One of my best friends had died. My younger sister tried to commit suicide several times and nearly succeeded on an overdose in the room opposite to me. An I had been kicked out of school.

So in the end something else happened with another couple of girls somewhere else on the internet. Found out that what Jennifer had gone through was all a lie. A trick that went to far apparently.

When I finally had a mental breakdown my step dad. snapped my laptop in half and destroyed my phone because one of the things I kept hearing over an over again was the ping noise when someone sends you a message.

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