I've Had A Stalker For The Past Five Years

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I've Had A Stalker For The Past Five Years, And I Think Eventually He May Kill Me

This dude added me on Facebook back in january of 2011. At the time I was really addicted to robotussin. As weird as this sounds, I was 18 and curious about drugs and couldn't find any besides weed. There was a 2 month period that I drank robotussin almost every night. This was years ago and eventually I quit and never looked back.

But I was bored and fresh out of high school. My girlfriend was still in high school and I'd sit up and talk to her until 11 or midnight and drink my robotussin around the time she went to bed. So I stayed up all night tripping with nothing better to do. This guy added me and started talking to me, I thought he was harmless.

He lived a few towns over in a community that has alot of rich people in it. He was 30 and lived in his moms basement, completely obsessed with phish and completely addicted to benzos and opiates to the point where he acted completely crazy if he wasn't on them. Within a month of talking to him, he told me that he loved me and that I was his best friend. I blocked him shortly after this and wrote it off.

A couple years go by. One of my close friends die and I go through a rough patch, I end up deleting my Facebook and making a new one a few months later. Well, this guy found me and added me. I started talking to him, he was nice, and it was comforting when my friend died. But than he started telling me I was his best friend and he loves me again. It was weird.

I blocked him and moved on.

Fast forward to 2014. He made a new fb and somehow found me and readded me. I ended up chilling with him once, in his moms basement, we smoked pot and listened to phish. it wasn't that bad of a time. I know this sounds like a terrible idea but I was drinking in his town and he hit me up so I thought I'd stop by. This guy had been somewhat of an enigma for years and I wanted to see what he was like in person.

This is when things get weird. He told me that I could come over and do whatever I wanted (sexually) to him at one point a couple months after this. I told him I was straight but he insisted. He's sent me multiple videos over the years which are very strange, weird drone music playing with a green light in the background and action figures on strings moving in slow motion, saying theyre film tests for for movies he's making. I've blocked him multiple times but he always makes a new fb within the next few months and readds me and has some bullshit excuse that doesn't make sense for why he made one ("Oh my brothers girlfriend has been harassing me"). He added my roommate last year and and got way weirder with my roommate than he ever did with me. He bought my roommate a video game at one point for christmas and had it shipped to our apartment which means that if he wanted to figure it out he could easily figure out our address. My roommate ended up blocking him.

This guy gets angry at everybody for not sitting on Facebook and talking to him, accuses you of being an unloyal friend when we're sleeping for school or work because we wont sit up and talk to him til 5 am, than when you try to explain yourself he accuses you of thinking you're better than him for being in school and work. Than he asks us to send him nudes and offers us $200 for videos of us beating off and pics of our cock. When we stop talking to him he finds a way to contact us and tells us were family. He collects social security in his moms basement and spends all of it on phish shows and weed and shrooms and xanax and oxys. He tells us ridiculous lies like that he's going to berkeley, his age has also somehow went from 30 in 2011 to turning 32 this year in 2016. He's added multiple people from our friends and family over the years, most of which have blocked him and he's tried to turn us against them at some point shortly after, we obviously never fall for his shit.

This is why I think he's gonna kill me eventually.

One time I made a Facebook post to add me on snapchat open to the public and he added me. He actually made a snapchat at the same time, and only has me added. I can tell by looking at his score. A few weeks ago, I blocked him on facebook and told him to stop contacting me. He completely flipped out and was sending me pages and pages calling me a liar and a traitor because I needed to sleep one day and couldn't sit up and talk to him on Facebook, school had just started and I was still working 3rd shift at this point. It was 2 pm and I had just finished school and I worked at 11. He saw me on Facebook checking my notifications before crashing and that weekend sent pages of Facebook messages telling me that I wasn't a loyal friend.

Than, this week, a snapchat from him. He rarely contacts me on snapchat, I forgot I had him added.

It was 5 snaps. All of them were of him firing off an AR-15. He shown the target and his shots were scarily accurate. It was fucking terrifying.

Than he informs me that he's going to get his HSED at a place about 5 blocks away from my house and can't get a ride til a few hours after class and just roams the streets from like 7 pm-10 or 11 each night. He than asked me if he could come crash at my apartment on thursday nights and spend the weekend with me and my roommate. I said nah I work thursday nights and he went on this huge rant about how he's in love with my roommate and how I am true family to him and it would mean the world.

If he wanted to he could figure out my address through the gift he bought my roommate last christmas.

And hes sending me snaps of him shooting high powered firearms with scary accuracy

I honestly don't think i've ever been more terrified in my life but I think he's too slow to figure out where I live, either ways, I need to figure out a way to get rid of this guy. If I get a restraining order it'll just piss him off more, plus I hate dealing with the police anyways and am gonna be on no police contact probation soon.

Scary internet wacko. Lets not meet.

Edit: I've decided to upload an example of his "art" work he's shown me over the years to youtube to show you guys:

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