I Tried To Do The Right Thing, Honest... But He Got Too Creepy.

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Some background, I was in middle school when this happened, I'm 23 now. Chris and Kenny were not part of the popular crew at all and neither was I. Chris was some sort of middle eastern and Kenny was whiter than white. They were both oddballs but seemingly nice ones. Chris at this time was starting to grow facial hair as was normal since most of my class were or had hit puberty. Chris was a chatty little Kathy once you got him talking and Kenny was the tall silent type who seemingly only spoke when he had something useful to add to any conversation.

Okay so for the creepiness with Chris who dragged Kenny along.

I was never considered popular growing up in my school district, I was hyper and too talkative in elementary school and by middle school I had really become my own person and didn't try to change just to be popular. I was one of the rare 1% of kids who didn't go through that awkward insecure phase at all. Chris was also not widely accepted by the cool crew and I'd often see him and Kenny by themselves. I took it upon myself to befriend Chris because I empathized with his plight of being outcasted by students.

I invited him over to my house and word spread like wildfire that I was hanging out with weirdo smelly Chris. I didn't take kindly to being jeered at so I asked them yeah what of it? They replied he smells! I said no, he doesn't. They said he's weird! I asked how? He has a mustache!! I retort so does Harry but you don't call him weird Harry! They kept it up and Chris got embarrassed and suggested we not hang out, I told him that their insecurities about their own compassion and it's proper place doesn't bother me in the slightest and that I wasn't go to ditch him because the cool kids told me too. He seemed surprised but was glad to hear it.

We walked home that day and hung out at my house doing homework and watching television. He stayed for dinner and my mom assumed he'd be going home by 7, well 7 came and went and Chris's mom was a no show. My mom told Chris to call home but he replied rather sarcastically that his mother doesn't get home til late. My mom was at a loss, see she's somewhat disabled and doesn't drive and at the time my dad was working overtime and sometimes didn't get home til 8pm. Now that may not sound late to you all but my dad is a letter carrier, or a mailman if that is clearer, for the U.S. postal service and his work days started at 630am some days and 7am others. Honestly it depended on what kind of mood his boss was in or claimed he was being forced to do but that's off topic. So Chris was stuck at my house with no way home and my mom was starting to panic and feel exhausted all at once.

We did what we always did at 8pm, watched t.v. but by now Chris was getting bored. He started acting weird, he kept trying to lay on top of me on the couch in front of my mother. She'd shoot him a look and he'd sit up; now he started saying weird things I can't recall but something he said upset me and I went upstairs to my room. He followed me upstairs and tried to appologise meanwhile my mom is standing at the bottom of the stairs yelling for us to come downstairs.

Finally, my dad gets home and my mom tells him to drive Chris home. We dropped Chris off at his apartment near the town library and got back home so my mom could rant to my dad about that weird boy and then tell me not to invite him over again. The next day at school the kids whispered about me and Chris all day but I ignored it. Mandy and Tina, who have made cameos in another story of mine, were coming over that afternoon and I wasn't going to let what happened with Chris and the rumors ruin my plans.

After school Tina, Mandy, and I walked back to my house, which is two blocks from the middle school. We hung out and did our homework and talked, Mandy brought up the rumors and asked me what really happened. I told her about the weirdness with Chris when Tina gets startled by someone peeking in at our screen door. We had kept the front door open and locked the screen door because it was sunny out and we wanted to be able to people watch and utilize the natural light for working and drawing.

Mandy and I looked up to see what startled Tina and low and behold Chris and Kenny were standing at the door peeking in. Chris had his hands cupped around his eyes against the plexiglass and Kenny was standing behind him. Chris, the mastermind of this scheme, asked to be let in and the three of us said no and told him to go sway. Chris whined and asked why not and Mandy jokingly replied because girls rule and boys drool, which made Tina and I laugh. Now my mom came in and saw them standing there and Chris stood upright when he saw her shooting him daggers. He politely asked my mom if they could come in and my mom grumbled no, go away and shut the door in his face! Way to go Mom! We moved our activities up to my second floor bedroom and talked amongst ourselves.

Tina confided in Mandy and I that she didn't like Chris and that she caught him trying to watch her change her clothes through her first floor bedroom window. Mandy said she didn't like him either because the same shit he pulled at my house happened at hers and her dad threw Chris out. I asked them why they didn't tell me of their encounters and Tina said she was embarrassed about it since she knows she's heavy and that nobody was clambering over themselves to ogle her. She didn't want anyone spreading rumors about her and Chris so she never told anyone til then. I told Tina that she can always talk to me and if it ever happens again tell Mandy and I and we'll kick his butt! Mandy told me that she didn't tell me because it wasn't a huge deal seeing as her dad scared Chris away from ever coming back to her house again. Neither one of them ever tried to tell me not to invite him over simply because they didn't know about it till the next day.

Chris moved shortly after and Kenny had befriended Mandy and I but only in school. He went emo goth by high school and then moved half way through. He was sadly just a misunderstood quiet kid who got roped in by Chris. Kenny onnce confided in me and this other girl Courtney during gym class that even He thought Chris was strange.

Around sophomore year in high school I got a friend request from Chris and his profile pic showed him looking much older and still had his mustache but also sporting a bit of a goatee. I blocked him on Facebook and haven't heard from him since.

So Creepy Chris, if you're out there I pray we never meet again and I pray for the poor girl who marries your seemingly nice ass.

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