Creepy Late Night Visitor

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So when I was 19 I lived in a one bedroom apartment by myself in kind of a not great neighborhood. I was right in the height of my party years so I was often not home or had friends over, so the fact that my neighbors were a bit undesirable wasn't really an issue but just something I was weary of.

One night I'm at a party with coworkers, it's 2am and as its winding down I invite a guy I had a running fling with over to my place (wink wink) for more drinks. He says sounds great he's going to run home then grab some beer and meet me at my place. So I take off for my apartment.

I get home and I'm frantically tidying up for a bit when I hear a knock at my door. I'm thinking "that was fast" but I run over and I fling open the door. Here stands some man I don't know (keep in mind it's well past 2:30 in the morning) he appeared to be around 40, he intruduced himself and stated that he has "seen me around" and thinks I'm beautiful and then proceeds to produce a joint and ask if he can come in so "we can get to know each other". He was horribly creepy but I politely decline and tell him he needs to leave and i also comment on how late it is and he looks upset but leaves my doorway at which point I slam the door, lock both locks and proceed to call my guy friend screeching into the phone that he needs to hurry the hell up and get over to my place because I was officially freaked out.

The thing was the man at my door didn't live in my building. I lived in a small building, only 8 apartments and after a couple of months I was very familiar with the other tenants immediately around me. I had never seen this man before in my life.

Fast forward

About a month and a half later I'm home again and I'm hanging out with a friend getting high and getting drunk at my place. It's the witching hour again, around 2 in the morning when there's a knock at my door. I'm not expecting company of any kind and my door also does not have an eyehole so no way to tell who's out there without opening the door. Thinking of the previous incident I get freaked out and run around and turn off all the lights and tell my friend to be really quiet. Over the span of 5 minutes or so there are multiple knocks at the door but eventually we hear footsteps move away. We both creep to the window and watch as the same man and two other men I don't know exit my building together and walk down the street and dissappear into the night.

My lease ended and I moved out a couple months later, but I'm still spooked about those couple of incidents.

So creepy guy that knocks on the doors of girls half your age in the middle of the night let's not meet again!

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