Creepy Internet Guy Shows Uninvited

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So let me preface this by saying that when I was in college, I spent a lot of time talking to men on the internet. It felt safer and less of a waste of time, to get to know someone on a website than in real life. Well one day I was talking to a guy on one of the various internet sites I frequented and we were discussing the usual. What school I went to, what I majored in, was I single, what was I looking for. I told him my school name and that I lived near campus alone (at the time, i loved living alone and felt pride at being so young and able to be independent). We chatted some more and he started asking more questions about where I lived.

At this point I probably made an unwise choice, telling him the intersecting street names. I did not give him my actual address or the apartment number and he seemed satisfied with my answer. We keep chatting randomly and he asked if I wanted to meet him. I told him I had class in the morning and I would think about it and talk to him tomorrow. I signed out around 8 or 9pm.

I woke up later that evening, it was about 11pm. I had a friend who worked the night shift. She would come over after work sometimes (even if I asked her not to) and it was not out of the ordinary for her to arrive at midnight or later. So I was in bed, pretty much asleep, when I heard a banging on my door. All I could think was "omg this bitch again" but I laughed, put on pants and went to the door. I didn't bother with the peep hole ( no outside light so I rarely looked though it), and I lived at the very very top of a house with its separate entrance and set of outdoor stairs. I was never really afraid up there because you had to purposefully find me. No one ever came to my house by accident.

Anyways. I got to the door and flung it open, ready to cuss her out and wasn't her. It was a man in a light army jacket and he walked right past me and into my house. He said "I've been walking all night, surprise!".

There were stairs directly behind my door, leading up to the main apartment and he walked up them, I followed behind him, not quite as scared as I should have been but definitely bewildered. When I got to the top of the stairs he was sitting on my bed. He said "don't you recognize me?" and at that moment. I did! He was the guy I had been chatting with! I felt panic welling up inside of me from the pit of my stomach...I couldn't move. He explained that he had walked 7 miles to get to my house after we stopped chatting in order to "surprise me". I asked him how he knew which apartment was mine. He said that he asked the neighbor and he told him it was Apt. 3.

I was in complete WTF mode and I didn't know what to do. He had a strange look in his eye and he was dressed like a drug driving gamer? He was also sitting on my bed, uninvited and I couldn't even remember his name!

I decided to play it very very very cool and went to sit beside him. I said omg that is a long walk, why did you come all that way just to surprise me? My logic being that I would treat this like a normal situation (not a fucking creepy stalker, let me rape you situation) and get him out of my house as soon as I could.

We had a full conversation for about 30 minutes and then I slowly started dropping hints about needing to go to bed because I had class in the morning. He didn't even seem disappointed. I thanked him for coming and being so thoughtful, promised him that I'd talk to him later and he left. I locked the door and went upstairs and had a good cry. I felt so stupid and I was angry with myself. Anything could have happened to me, he could have killed me, or robbed me or I dont know.

I got online and sent him a message that basically said "don't you ever fucking come to my house again, that was terrifyingly creepy and you are dangerously close to catching charges should you even contact me again", then I blocked him. I didn't go to the police, I had no plan to, I was more concerned that they would think it was my fault and I would be so damn embarrassed. So...creepy midnight walker, lets NOT meet again.

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