A Guy Followed Me and My Friends

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So I'm a 16 year old boy, I live in the mountains in a nice area but go to school in a kind of creepy part of town. It takes me an hour and a half every day to get home walking and using my area's transit system. Every Friday I take the train with some of my friends and then walk home with 2 of them, brother and sister and then walk back to the station and then take the train back to the sration where my train meets back up with the train my frinds take.

One Friday about 2 months ago we took a later train than usual because our school bus got stuck in traffic on the way to the train station it drops the students off at making us miss our train. We're a kind of rowdy group, there's 6 of us at the beginning of the train ride and we all get off about an hour after we get on over the course of about 3 stops. On that day there was 5 of us though, because one of the girls, Jenny, got suspended for getting in a fight, even though she didn't start it, or throw the first punch. My friend Jake was talking about how stupid it was that she got suspended, of course he said fuck about 4 times a sentence while talking about it.

He was still talking about it by the time we were getting to the stations where our group gets off but he had cooled off quite a bit. We were on the last car of the train on the back sitting in a group of 4 seats, the extra, my friend Alice (Jake's sister), was sitting on my lap. There was a guy standing by us, glaring at Jake.

As the group starts thinning out Jake stops talking and at our stop it's just me, Jake, Alice, and the guy in the train car. When we get to the station the guy yells some bible quote at us and walks to the other end of the platform.

While we're walking to Jake and Alice's place we talk about various things, but we keep returning to the topic of the guy and the quote he yelled at us. I can't remember the quote for the life of me right now. About a block away from their house the guy is half a block behind us and yells the quote again, we don't know where he came from because none of us can remember him being behind us before but we shake it off and tell him to fuck off.

When we got to their house I stuck around for a bit and helped Alice finish her homework and then helped their mom make dinner and ate with them. After a while we forgot about the dude and their dad drove me to the train station and I went home.

Last week we had a really heavy snow and I had to walk home in it after dropping my friends off at home, I didn't stick around this time though, just train ride, walk to their house, walk back to the station, and then ride the train and then switch to a different train and then transfer to a bus, its a lot of transfers but it's my usual Friday night trip.

Halfway through my walk home from getting off the bus I realized the guy who got off the bus with me was still behind me, which is unusual, but not too strange, most people in my area who use transit don't walk as far as I do though. I turned a few blocks earlier than I usually do, and the guy was still behind me, I was still thinking it's totally possible this guy is just going home and it's just a coincidence, but I make another turn away from my house a few blocks later just to be sure. Out of nowhere the dude grabbed the back of my jacket and slammed me down to the sidwalk and then pinned me down.

He started yelling at me and telling me that me and my friends are sinners and we're going to hell and shit like that, and then he pulled a knife out of his coat pocket and told me that I was gonna die as a message to the other filthy sinners like me. Luckily the old man who lives in the house we were in front of came out just then and told him to get the fuck off me and that he had called the cops, the dude got off me and ran away and the cops got there a few minutes later. They haven't found the guy.

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