Manny The Mexican

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Let me begin my giving you a little background information. I had known Manny for many years and we were great friends till he had started becoming depressed and sometimes suicidal shortly after being dumped by his first real girlfriend. He started blaming me and a few of my other friends for all his problems that we "Had shown her a life better than he could ever give her". This is because me and my friends drank and had parties and just an all around good time and we would always invite them he would have a miserable time while she would enjoy herself.

Manny was also my neighbor we shared an alley way where everyone's drive way was located. He would often walk over to my house un announced just to hang out which never bothered me lots of my friends would do this at the time.

He was one of the biggest guys I've ever met easily over 6ft tall 250 lbs of pure giant Mexican. While I am a 5ft 7in white boy.

Now at the point of the story I had not spoken or seen him in months he had gone radio silence on us. We had heard from his brother that he had been committed and would be getting out soon, that he was doing great and they had him on meds to balance him out. I was glad to hear he was doing better and sent him well wishes.

It was a Friday night weeks later and I was relaxing in my house smoking a joint when the phone rang. I answer the call and hear only silence, thinking someone had the wrong number I hang up. The phone rings immediately again, this time there is a voice on the phone, it's Manny. He talks about how he's back home and is doing better and wonders if he can come over.

I tell him sure but I couldn't hang for long because my girlfriend was headed over to watch movies. Not two seconds later my door opens and he walks in, I hadn't even hung up the phone yet. He had to of been standing right outside my house during the brief call.

He sits down on the couch and just kind of stares at me for a while. I break the silence by telling him "It's good to see you, you're looking good" normal ice breaker type stuff because honestly he was already starting to creep me out but I brushed it off due to the joint I had just finished. He just stares at me finally speaking "Thanks". So I do my best to hold a conversation for the next ten minutes with little to no reply from him till my girlfriend text me saying shes on her way. (Doh I forgot to pick up the movies!) I stand up tell him shes on the way and I've got to run to the store and grab the redbox movies. He jumps up and spits out "I'll go with you, I need something to eat!" I hesitantly agree, what could be the harm? The store was only across the block in a shopping center.

We walk out to my car and head to the store. This is where it started getting strange beyond my stoned paranoia, he begins talking about death and he always wondered what it would be like to see someone die. I try to brush this off and crack a few jokes and keep the mood light.

Fast forward we are at the store I grab my movies and begin following him around the store. He never stops to look at anything just circles the store about four times. During this time the girlfriend calls says she's in town, where am I etc. Explain to her what's going on and she agrees to meet me at the store and follow us to the house. Manny over hearing this storms towards the front of the store, out the doors, and straight to my car. When I reach the car he is inside buckled up digging around in his pockets. The girlfriend is parked next to me and I nod for her that we're leaving.

We pull up to what is notoriously the longest light in town and wait. During the wait he begins talking about fear, and how weak a man who has fear in his eyes and heart is. I'm not paying too much attention because my girlfriend is behind me flirting with me from her car waving, blowing kisses etc. So when I do turn to look at him he is now wearing a pair of latex gloves and taking off his seat belt all while smiling at me.

I instantly freak the fuck out "What the fuck are those?!, why are you wearing gloves" and any other logical question someone shitting their pants can say at that moment. He smiles big and says "you'll see" and begins digging in his pocket. Oh shit what do I do, jump out the car? Start wailing on the biggest fucking Mexican I've ever seen? I do the next best thing and do what any gun toting Texan would and went for the glove box reaching for my loaded 40 cal. (This is in Dallas by the way) with his free hand he tries to stop me but I've got it my hand on it and am now pointing it at him. "Get the fuck out of the car!" Is the bravest thing I can muster and he slowly pulls his hand out of his pocket holding on to a knife. "Drop it!" I scream. He half listens and jumps out of the car running towards home knife still in hand

The light finally turns green and I gun it home with what I'm sure is my confused as hell girlfriend following behind. We get to my house and I tell her everything that just happened and shes freaking out. As I'm telling the story I happen to look out my bedroom window that over looks my driveway and he is fucking standing there looking up at me...knife still in hand. I of course do what any man would do and scream like a girl, promoting him to run down the alley towards his house.

We never spoke again and only once in a while seen each other in public and each time he would smile and wink at me.

I later heard from a few friends that he denied any of it happening and that I was stoned and freaked out on him.

Shortly after I moved states and haven't met him again and I hope I never do.

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