My Best Friends Rapist Brother

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This started about 2 years ago, ending soon after it began. I had been friends with Amanda for about 3 months before I decided to go hang out at her house. We were just sitting in the living room when her older brother came inside with her parents. I had never seen him before, only heard things about him from Amanda. (He had been caught taking girls underwear and bras and taking pictures of their butt cracks).

He was transferring to our school. We were freshman and he was going to be a senior. About a week passed and I noticed he had transferred; he was in one of my study halls, an art class, and a science class. I definitely got creepy vibes from him.

He wasn't the boy that had a lot of friends. He was about 250 pounds, 6 foot, greasy hair, huge yellow teeth, face taken over with acne, and his breathing was so heavy. Because of this, you would immediately know if he was around you because you could hear his heavy breaths.

In my art class, I sat towards the back of the room in the corner by some shelves that held a variety of paper. I was painting on a canvas, so I was standing. After 5 minutes, I heard his heavy breathing. I ignored it at first, thinking he was just getting some paper from behind me. 30 seconds passed and I turned around swiftly, making direct eye contact with him. Goosebumps rose all over my body as he frantically turned around and began scrambling through the paper. I just kept telling myself "he was just admiring my painting". This was one of the 4 encounters.

Second encounter. I received a text on my phone from an unknown number. It read a simple "hey". I just routinely sent a text back asking who it was. My blood ran cold when my phone buzzed and I saw "it's Thomas, Amanda's brother" pop up on my screen. I was instantly infuriated that Amanda was giving out my number, so I just replied back telling him to stop texting me and leave me alone.

That set him off. After only a few minutes, I had several dozen texts from him; asking why? What did he do? Why can't we be friends? I finally replied back and told him I would call the cops on him if he didn't stop. He eventually stopped and all was good.

Third encounter. This is by far the creepiest and I'm still scared of males till this day. Fast forward a week. I was staying the night at Amanda's Friday night. Thomas was staying with his older cousin, so I had no worries with sleeping over there. Until about 10:30 pm. Amanda is asleep on the floor and I'm sitting at the table. Thomas walks in with his cousin and says that his cousins heater broke, so they would be staying the night over here. I went pale and felt sick.

Thomas and his cousin sat on the two couches in the room and I continued to stay at the table, in the same room as them and Amanda. I just blankly stared at the tv the whole time. About 11pm and Thomas' cousin is asleep. It's just Thomas and I. I decide to go up to Amanda's room and go to bed, not bothering to wake her.

(Couple important notes; her bedroom does not have a door. On her bed, you can see through the door frame and the whole staircase).

I'm lying there in the dark when I hear the staircase creaking. I go still and listen until it stops. My nerves settle once I realize it's probably Amanda. But the large silhouette in the frame says otherwise. I immediately sit up as I realize it's Thomas. And his hand is down the front of his basketball shorts. He slowly starts walking towards the bed, his loud breathing filling the room. I tried to say something but it was physically impossible.

Thank the universe that his dad woke up and slammed the bathroom door downstairs. Thomas quickly shuffled out of the room and I leaned over, trying not to puke. I immediately texted my mom to come get me because I thought I had the flu. I packed my bags, sent Amanda a text on why I left, and hauled ass out the door.

Last encounter. The morning after all this happens, I wake up to a Facebook message from Thomas. "Hey, heard you got sick? Are you feeling better baby? ;)" I ran to the bathroom and vomitted. After that, I blocked him on every social media page I could find of him. I never told anyone either, which I kinda of regret but at the same time I don't. He's since graduated and Amanda moved schools, so we no longer have communication.

So Thomas, my best friends brother, let's not meet again.

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