Old Ladies Love Animals

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Growing up, I lived in a sketchy neighborhood. Nothing too awful, but there were several convicted pedophiles that resided there. I was around 12 at the time of this story, although I have always looked much younger than my true age. I'm a girl, currently 18, and commonly mistaken for being 15ish. Being outside was my absolute favorite thing growing up. My family would go for bike rides around the neighborhood, but as I grew up my family stopped riding and it would be just me and my bike. My new favorite spot to bike around was a developing neighborhood, because it had 2 large hills that I could zoom down. It was about 15 minutes from my house by bike. It had previously been a golf course, and they were selling individual lots for people to build their own houses on, so there were tons of empty fields.

It was around 3 PM in the summer when I biked down to this neighborhood. I usually made loops around the streets, but this time I had stopped by my favorite lot (the one my family and I dreamed of one day buying, because the far side of it was much like a forest). I was on the side walk watching a large group of quail running around with their babies when I heard someone walk up next to me. It was an older lady, in her late 60's or early 70's. She was carrying a small dog, despite it having a leash on.

"You like animals, huh?" She asked. "I love them. I've got 4 cats and 2 dogs at home" I replied, trying to make small talk (I have always been a shy person and am always trying to push myself out of my comfort zone).

"This is Benny." She gestured to her dog. "I love animals too. I make Benny's food myself, I don't trust none of that government-made crap." She then proceeded to tell me in great detail the recipe for this home made dog food she created. She asked general questions about my animals, and scoffed when I told her I was more of a cat person, although I really love dogs too.

After about 15 minutes, she stepped closer to me and began whispering. "I normally wouldn't tell anyone this, but it's obvious you're an animal lover just like me. We're a lot alike. There are a family of geese that live in the bushes in that field right there" she pointed to an empty field that was backed to some already built and inhabited homes, the only thing dividing the one house from the field were large bush-like trees, the type people would prune designs from. The field was a little over a half acre in size and was filled with various shrubbery and trees.

"There's a nest with eggs there. You should check on them and make sure they're okay. I'm only telling you because you're special like me, so do NOT tell anyone this. We don't want people hurting the babies, do we?" She grabbed my arm, then suddenly let go, smiled, and immediately turned around and walked away from me. I have always loved animals. I prefer them over most people, honestly. So the thought of being able to see a nest with eggs sounded really cool to me. However, I had a weird feeling about roaming a field so close to other people's homes alone. I biked home as fast as I could and did exactly what she told me not to do- I told my dad. He was an animal lover like me and thought it would be cool to check it out, so he biked back down there with me.

On our way down, we passed the house that bordered the field. The one, as I mentioned before, that was only separated by a fence-like line of these trees. I saw the old woman standing there, facing the trees, peering through them and watching the field she told me to search, still holding her dog. I could barely see her, it was as if she was not only watching the field, but hiding in the trees at the same time so no one could see her watching.

I didn't want her to know I had told anyone so I told my dad we should make a stop real quick. After a few minutes, I hoped she was gone, and we began searching the field. We searched for 45 minutes. There was no nest. In fact, the field was alarmingly barren of animal life. My dad had a puzzled look on his face and told me we should go home. At the time I didn't see this situation as odd, I was just disappointed that we never found any babies. I almost forgot this had happened until I was reading other creepy old women posts, and it wasn't until now that I realized just how creepy the whole situation was.

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