My Sister Set Me Up

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Alright, a little bit of a backstory first. My sister is four years older than me and has had a drug problem since she was about twelve. We live in a small town in the midwest infected by meth, literally 20% is addicted to this shit. Meth makes you not yourself by the way, when you are on it you are going 60 mph and have no clue what is passing you. It makes you go insane just for a taste.

Getting off track. My sister and I(I was a 12y/o girl at the time) always caused trouble together. I never got into Meth, but I am always have been a roaring pot head. Well, one day she decided that she wanted to go to her ex's house and get some shit. I had no choice but to tag along. As we knock on the door we can hear a bunch of scuffling inside before he opens the door. When he opens the door he says Hi to my sis, but then immediately looks at me and smiles. A nasty, meth mouth, smells like shit smile. I wanted to puke, but I didn't want to leave my sister in this place alone. Well, we come and sit down on the couch, His friend being about mid twenties I would say sits there, and they all talk and bullshit. The whole time this guy is just staring at me, making me want to slide out of my skin. Finally, after a good amount of conversation the Meth master whispered in my sister's ear, and they immediately go back to his rooom.

So, I'm stuck on this couch with this guy who has no interest in me, but is willing to have a little side talk to distract from the disgusting sex noises I was trying to ingore. Honestly, the guy wasn't that bad. If anything, I wondered why he was around meth master.

Twenty minutes go by and I hear silence. I figure they're done and we can go about our busniess, so I start twiddle my thumbs expecting to be out of here asap. My sister walks out of the room, with her face completely red and she's out of breath. (My sister is and always has been a bigger girl btw) She looks at me and my stomache immediatly started to knot up.

"Hey why don't you come in here. We're about to smoke a joint." She smiles at me, but not her normal smile. I knew something was off, but I trusted my sister and I really wanted to get high. I was hesitant at first, but then I finally gave in once I started to smell the pot. I get up and walk to the doorway and see Meth master sitting on the edge of his bed smoking a joint. He wasn't wearing anything except for the blanket laying over top of his genitals. I froze a little but realxed knowing that my sister was there with me, and he had just "pleased" the sleaze. He lifts the joint in the air and notions it toward me, I reluctantly step foward and take a small hit. Now, I know that people tend to lace joints, so I took the smallest drag I could of took.

Once, I did I heard the door behind me shut. I turn to look back at my sister, but she wasn't there. My fucking sister wasn't there. The one person who was supposed to protect me in that situation was the one who put me in it. I'm sorry, but almost ten years laters and it still gets to me.

Back on track. I turn to see the nasty white, but stained door shut me in this pen of disgust. Before I could even turn to see Meth mouth magee he grabs me by my left forearm and pulls me ontop of his lap. He had me facing him with my legs on both sides of his. I could feel his dick against my skin and I did everything I could to not puke. While he was trying to get me to stop squirming I got my right arm free, and my survival instincts kicked in. I just started wailing on his face. I used all the force I had in my body to break that fucking face of his. Once he let go of my left arm and was leaning back I jumped off and crawled to the door. Once I had my hand on the doorknob I was on my feet and out the door.

I left my sister there, and literally ran for a mile to the park. Once I was at the park I called my mom to pick me up. I didn't tell her what had happened, because I didn't even know what had happened. Five minutes later of waiting, crying, punching things, and just feeling disgusting I see my sister panting her fatass up to me. She sobbed and apologized and begged for me to not tell mom. I could see that she could tell what she had done, but I could never trust her again. I never told my mom, and some days I wonder if I should of and what would of happened, but I still loved my sister. Even if she wasn't my sister.

As for Meth master, that mother fucker got stabbed in the head about 6 years later in a fight over drugs. I haven't heard or seen him since. Meth master, let's not meet again. You don't want to be stabbed in the head twice do yeah?

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