Chapter 8-Told You So

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I'm sorry if it took me a while before posting another update. I was extremely busy with my final exams then I got sick right after. Now I'm busy helping out my cousin for her wedding preparations. (I'm her bridesmaid) I hope you guys would understand. But hey, this chapter is quite long. ;)

Please do enjoy and think this as my christmas gift for you all if you want. ;)

Dedicated to: Katezee1997 for the trailer on the side. ;) 


Chapter 8—Told You So

Third Person P.O.V

Few minutes after Christie reached Zoey’s crib, Christie plopped herself on Zoey’s bed next to Courtney. Jay and Drake didn't seem to mind the lack of greeting Christie did. In fact, she just nodded and smiled faintly at their direction letting them know that their presence was highly acknowledged.

 Courtney woke up few minutes after and hugged her, ignoring the fact that Christie was trying to sleep. Squealing about how much she missed the red head. No one actually pressed the reason why Andrew was upset or why they quarrelled. They are used to Christie and Andrew bantering but they've never seen them seriously mad for each other. They know any time soon, they’d be hanging out and acting like best friends again as if nothing happened.

“I know you miss me but please let me live!” Christie said as she tried her best to untangle herself from Courtney’s hug.  “You won’t let me breathe, you know?” She said as Courtney lets go and stood up.

“You could have just hugged me back and told me you missed me too.” The brunette said as she placed her hands on her hips as she rolled her eyes at the other. “So, what’s up?”

“Ceiling, obviously?” Christie answered as she raised her eyebrow and glanced up at the ceiling before looking back at her friend.

“Jeez.” Courtney said as she rolled her eyes, clearly irritated with her close friend’s sarcasm. “Seriously, Christie” She said looking at Christie with concerned blue eyes.

Christie just sighed, not knowing whether to answer or not. She looked at Courtney, meeting her blue orbs. “Peachy” she muttered sarcastically before rolling out of Zoey’s bed. “Come on, let’s just forget about my problem for a while and enjoy tonight.” She added as she fixed herself.

“Yeah, like I’d forget something I don’t even know.” Courtney retorted sarcastically as she  ran a comb through her beautiful brown hair.

“What did we miss?” Courtney asked as the two lads walked in the living room. The three heads then snapped towards their direction. Jay’s arms were casually draped around Zoey while Drake was seated comfortably in one of the love seats.

“me,  you missed me.” Drake answered playfully earning a chuckle from Zoey and Jay. Courtney quickly walked over towards her lover, and sat beside him.

“Please stop being all so lovey-dovey.” Christie said as she glared at her friends, plopping down at an empty seat across the couch.

“That just proves my point as to why you need to get a boyfriend.” Zoey said as she grabbed some grapes and popped it to her mouth.  Zoey kept on reminding Christie on getting a new boyfriend it’s been a year since she last had one.

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